16 Things You Need to Stop Flaunting ASAP

When trying to impress others, it’s crucial to be mindful of what you boast about. The digital age amplifies this culture, with everyone discussing being overwhelmed and burnt out. However, bragging about things can often backfire, making people appear unbalanced instead.

List 16 things you need to stop bragging about.


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Research from Stanford University shows that multitasking makes you less productive, messes with your attention and memory, and makes it harder to switch between tasks. People who multitask a lot often believe they’re doing well, but they actually underperform as compared to those who focus on one thing at a time. So, instead of bragging about being able to handle lots of tasks at once, it’s better to focus on doing one thing at a time.

Cleanliness as OCD

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When individuals talk about having OCD because they prefer things orderly, it minimizes the severity of the disorder. Such comments disregard the genuine struggles and suffering experienced by those with OCD. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is not about enjoying tidiness; instead, it involves distressing and uncontrollable patterns of thought and behavior.

Therefore, it’s essential to refrain from such remarks and instead promote understanding and empathy toward those affected by OCD.

Not voting in an election

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Not voting because you don’t like any candidate is like letting someone else decide for you. Even if you don’t like the options, there would probably be one thing you care about, for instance, climate change or healthcare. So, instead of bragging about not voting, think about what matters to you and pick the candidate who aligns with that.

I have never failed

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If you’re always bragging about never failing, it might mean you’re not challenging yourself enough, and you’re scared of messing up. Instead of aiming just to avoid failure, aim to achieve something meaningful.

People who fear failure often only try things they’re sure they’ll succeed at, and they’re more likely to cheat to get ahead. It’s better to admit when you’ve messed up and learn from it, rather than pretending you never make mistakes.

About working 24/7

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Some people think working all the time is the only way to succeed. However, working more than 50 hours a week can make life worse; it causes mental health issues like anxiety and depression and hurts your physical health. Instead of bragging about working all the time, focus on being productive during the hours you do work. It’s not about how long you work but what you get done.

About being a perfectionist

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Research shows that perfectionists are more likely to get burned out, have health issues, and struggle with their mental well-being. So, instead of bragging about being a perfectionist, it’s better to recognize the downsides and try to find balance in life.

Perfectionists set extremely high standards for themselves and others, which often leads to stress and disappointment because it’s almost impossible to meet those standards.

Alcohol consumption

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When people brag about how much alcohol they can handle, it’s not something to celebrate. It’s actually risky behavior. It’s not a measure of strength or coolness—it’s just putting your health at risk. Bragging about drinking a lot can encourage others to do the same, leading to dangerous situations like alcohol poisoning or accidents.

Not knowing how to cook

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Cooking is a basic skill everyone should have. Bragging about not knowing how to cook isn’t cool, as if you don’t care about caring for yourself or others. Anyone who enjoys your cooking will appreciate the time and effort you put into it. So, instead of bragging, try cooking and see how rewarding it can be.

Not watching popular shows

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Bragging about not watching something doesn’t make you better or more enjoyable. Instead, it can make others feel left out. It’s essential to be respectful of others’ interests and not make them feel inferior for enjoying something you don’t.

About material possessions

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Constantly bragging about expensive things like cars or jewelry can make people feel left out and annoyed. It makes others who don’t have those things feel bad about themselves. You might push people away because they feel you’re only interested in showing off.

About achievements

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Bragging about your successes too much can make people feel annoyed and upset. It’s good to feel proud of what you’ve done, but when you talk about it too much, it can make others feel like you’re showing off. It can make them feel bad about themselves.

About large social media followers

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Bragging about having lots of followers or being super popular online can make people think you’re only focused on yourself rather than connecting with them. People might see it as shallow and not want to be around someone who’s always showing off.

Financial status

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Talking about how much money you have or how successful you are with money can make other people feel bad about themselves. When you brag about your wealth, it can create feelings of discomfort or inferiority in others. It might make them feel like they don’t have enough or aren’t doing as well as you.

Being unbeatable

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When someone brags about scaring people and being unbeatable, it can make others feel uncomfortable and intimidated. Instead of earning respect, it can create fear and resentment. Constantly boasting about these things might make people avoid you or even dislike you. It’s important to focus on building positive relationships based on mutual respect rather than trying to intimidate others.

Cutting people out of life

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Cutting people out of your life can sometimes be necessary if they’re toxic or harmful. People who boast about cutting others off often refuse to see their faults or try to improve themselves. It’s important to acknowledge that it can be challenging to let go of unhealthy relationships. However, bragging about it just shows a lack of empathy and growth.

Surviving the abuse

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Growing up in a time when abuse was considered normal doesn’t mean someone turned out just fine. Bragging about it sends the wrong message. It downplays the severe impact of abuse and might make others feel like they have to endure it, too. Instead, you should acknowledge the harm caused by abuse and work towards creating a safer and healthier environment for everyone.

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