10 Healthy Foods Most People Won’t Eat

Avocados aren’t the only healthy food out there; many healthy foods aren’t as tasty or appealing as the famous ones, causing people to turn a blind eye to these nutritious gems.

Take a look at ten healthy foods most people won’t eat.


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Taro is a root vegetable originating in Southeast Asia but is grown worldwide, especially in African countries. It is a staple in Hawaiian cuisine and contains copious amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin E, making it a healthier alternative to potatoes.

Many people don’t eat Taro root because it has a bad reputation for being poisonous; this is partially true. Taro roots and leaves contain a poisonous substance called calcium oxide, which, if consumed, causes an itching and burning sensation.

The vegetable and its leaves must never be consumed raw. Cooking will remove any traces of Calcium Oxide, and the root can be enjoyed baked, cooked, grilled, or fried.


Green artichoke on wooden board prepare for cooking, Edible flower bud
Image Credits: seagames50, Shutterstock

Artichokes are large thistle-like perennial plants grown for their edible flower buds. The flesh at the base of the thick bracts and the receptacle of the immature flower head, known as the heart, are culinary delicacies. They are grown in Mediterranean countries and the Americas. California stands out as the primary producer of artichokes in the US, with nearly 100% of the artichokes grown commercially in the United States coming from this state.

Many avoid eating artichokes due to their complex structure, including their inedible, fibrous “choke” or hairy part inside. These deter individuals from enjoying this vegetable, which can lead to digestive discomfort if consumed.

If consumed, Artichokes have numerous health benefits, including regulating blood pressure, promoting Liver health, and fighting premature aging. They also contain fiber and numerous antioxidants, such as Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Folate, Magnesium, and Potassium.


A mouthwatering culinary scene featuring a plate of delicious seafood mussels topped with savory sauce and garnished with fresh parsley
Image Credits: artfisss, Shutterstock

Mussels are a type of shellfish that can be found in both freshwater and saltwater habitats. They are bivalve mollusks that are commonly consumed as food in various cuisines around the world.

Many people may avoid eating mussels due to concerns about potential risks associated with consuming them. Mussels can be contaminated with toxins; there is also the risk of mercury content in shellfish, including Mussels, which can be a concern for some individuals. Allergic reactions to shellfish are also fairly common.

Mussels should never be consumed raw; they should always be thoroughly cooked to remove any contaminants. Mussels have many health benefits. They can help promote heart health, prevent Anemia, and help with weight loss. They contain Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Iron, Calcium, and high-quality protein.


Close-up of fresh red goji berries on the plant's lush green leaves, a colorful and healthy harvest.
Image Credits: Iryna, Shutterstock

Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are native to East Asia and have a long history of use in traditional East Asian cuisine and medicine.

In the past, people used to eat Goji berries in the hopes of a long life. Today, not many eat these due to many reasons. One of the main reasons is the relatively high cost of goji berries compared to other fruits. Additionally, not many like their taste, with some finding them too tart or bitter for their liking. Lastly, fresh Goji berries aren’t available everywhere, which is why most people don’t eat the fruit.

Goji berries are considered a “Superfood” and can aid in weight loss and sleep-related issues. They can also improve athletic performance and boost the immune system. This is because they contain large amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Fiber, Iron, and protein.


Melons Charentais, ripe round charentais honey cantaloupe melons on local market in Provence, France, close up
Image Credits: barmalini, Shutterstock

Cantaloupe is a true melon from the same family as Pumpkins. The fruit has a distinct sweet taste and a tender, juicy texture. Cantaloupes contain Vitamins A and C, Folate, Calcium, Zinc, and Copper. The antioxidants in Cantaloupes provide anti-inflammatory effects and promote eye health. The fruit is best suited for summer as nearly 91% of it is water.

Despite this, not many eat Cantaloupes due to their pungent smell, which many find nausea-inducing. Some also experience diarrhea and stomach-related issues after consumption.


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Rapini, also known as broccoli rabe, is a leafy green cruciferous vegetable with edible leaves, buds, and stems. Unlike broccoli, which tastes earthy and has a tinge of sweetness, Rapini has a bitter taste. The vegetable is a staple in Italian cuisine and can be seen in their pasta and Pizza. Rapini is mainly cultivated in Puglia, Italy, while California produces nearly 90% of the US’s Rapini.

Rapini contains Vitamins A and C, Iron, Zinc, Fiber, Calcium, and Folate. The vegetable can help lower the risk of lung and prostate cancer; it can also help with weight loss.. Folate, if consumed by pregnant women, can reduce the risk of congenital disabilities in children.

Despite having numerous health benefits and virtually no side effects, not many people eat Rapini because of its bitter taste, which is not preferred by many, and the tough texture of its leaves and stems, which may require specific cooking techniques to tenderize them.


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Chard or Swiss Chard is a leafy green vegetable in the beet family. It is characterized by its large, fleshy, tender, deep-green leaves and thick, crisp stalks. Swiss chard comes in various varieties with different-colored stalks and ribs, including white, golden-orange, red, and rainbow chard. Chard isn’t the most preferred leafy green among people due to its slightly bitter flavor. The excess of Vitamin K is also a reason many avoid this vegetable.

The presence of Vitamin K, Magnesium, Calcium, and Folate in copious amounts helps in weight loss and fighting diabetes and heart diseases.


Traditional turkish bulgur pilaf with tomato sause in plate (Turkish name; meyhane pilavi)
Image Credits: Esin Deniz, Shutterstock

Bulgur is cracked wheat, a staple in Middle Eastern cuisine. It has an earthy-nutty flavor and can be paired with anything. It is partially pre-cooked and can be cooked quickly.

Bulgur contains Iron, Vitamin B6, Folate, Niacin, Fiber, and Magnesium. Regular consumption of the grain can help control blood sugar levels and weight. The fiber in Bulgur also helps reduce the risk of heart disease.

Despite its numerous benefits, many people don’t eat Bulgur, mainly because it is relatively less known compared to its contemporaries like Quinoa. Bulgur contains gluten, and those who want to avoid gluten or those who have gluten intolerance don’t eat the grain.


natto atop a bed of steamed white rice in a bowl, created with generative ai
Image Credits: primopiano, Shutterstock

Natto is a traditional Japanese dish made from fermented soybeans. It is a staple in Japanese cuisine, often served with white short-grain rice seasoned with Karashi mustard and soy sauce, and topped with raw egg yolk.

Natto is considered a Japanese superfood that contains vitamins K, B, C, and B6, Iron, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Selenium, antioxidants, probiotics, and Nattokinase- an enzyme that has the potential to reduce cardiovascular diseases. Eating Natto has innumerable health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease, blood pressure control, enhanced bone and digestive health, and lowered cholesterol.

Despite its health benefits, many people don’t prefer eating this superfood. Natto is a fermented food and hence has a strong odor similar to that of rotten food. Its extremely slimy texture can also be off-putting to many.


Image Credits: marcin jucha, Shutterstock

Okra, also known as “Ladies-fingers,” is native to Africa but is extensively produced and eaten worldwide today. Contrary to popular assumption Okra is a fruit, people assume it to be a vegetable because of its extensive use in curries.

Many might know Okra as one of the main ingredients in New Orleans’ famous Gumbo, Okra is used in the Gumbo to thicken the sauce.

Okra contains Vitamins A, B9, C, K, magnesium, potassium, calcium, fiber, and Folate. It helps remove toxins from the body, controls diabetes, aids in weight loss, and reduces the risk of heart disease and Osteoporosis.

Many don’t eat Okra due to its sticky texture and seeds. Okra needs to be deep-fried; otherwise, its grassy taste remains, and many don’t like deep-fried foods.

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