50 Proven Travel Tips Shared by Travelers Everywhere

Traveling is an excellent way to explore different cultures, taste exotic foods, and meet people from all walks of life. However, to make the most of these experiences, you must travel smart.

We have compiled a list of the best travel tips from seasoned globetrotters. These tips are not just about saving money or packing light but also about enriching the journey.

Open A High Yielding Savings Account For Travel

Start putting away a little cash every week for the trip that you plan to take. Over time, this money will add up, and you won’t have to feel guilty about digging into your savings to pay for your next trip.

Be Creative To Find Good Deals

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Travel doesn’t have to be expensive. People often miss out on exploring options like home swap, hostels, or camping. Another way to get a good deal is to book your tickets for the off-season or the shoulder season.

Create a Spreadsheet

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Create a spreadsheet for all your bookings, expenses, and other details of your trip. This will help you plan better and stick to your budget.

Compare Prices Before Booking Tickets

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Google Flights has a grid option feature that can help you look at the flight tickets for the whole month, which makes comparing prices easier. Avoid traveling on weekends or holidays when the flights are expensive.  According to the Experian,  Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday are the cheapest days to fly

Make Photocopies of Important Documents

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Always carry a copy of passport and other important documents digitally or in a different bag. This can be very helpful if you lose your handbag or it gets stolen.

Buy Travel Insurance

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Buying travel insurance provides a safety net in case of medical emergencies, trip cancellations, or lost luggage. It is important to buy travel insurance depending on the trip you’re taking.

Make A List

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Start by making a list items you want to carry with you on the trip and keepAdding to it whenever you remember something new. This will make packing much easier.

Inform Family and Friends

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Always keep your loved ones informed of your travel plans and keep them updated in case anything changes. This is especially important if you are traveling solo.

Pre-book Activities and Tours

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If you plan to travel during a busy season, you shouldbook your tours and other activities in advance to avoid last minute hassles, spike in prices, or losing the opportunity to do an activity..

Learn a Few Local Words

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Knowing a few local words and phrases is helpful when traveling to a foreign country. Words like hello, thank you, please, nice to meet you, sorry, can I take your photo – can help improve your travel experience.

Travel Light

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Your goals should be to minimize stress and maximize mobility. Make a list of essentials you need for your trip. Pack clothes you can mix and match, and opt for travel-sized toiletries. Leave some space for souvenirs.

Carry Essential in your Carry-On Bag

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A change of underwear, toothbrush, cash, documents and device charger should be on you at all times. Airlines these days are known to lose bags or forget them at the airport,and fresh undies can make all the difference.

Pack Smarter

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Instead of folding clothes the traditional way, try rolling your clothes instead. Not only does it save space, but it also reduces wrinkling. If it’s a backpacking trip, keep clothes in plastic bags and in full sets.

Bring Only Carry-On Luggage

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Using only carry-on luggage can be a game-changer for your holiday travel. It will save you time at check-in, baggage claim and eliminate the risk of lost luggage. Traveling light makes navigating airports, public transportation, or crowded city streets easier.

Pack a Small Medicine Bag

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Pack a small first aid kit with essentials like pain relievers, anti-diarrheal medication, laxatives, cold remedies, bandages, disinfectants, and any other items you might need in case of illness. Make sure to always carry this kit in your bag.

Pack Earplugs and an Eye Mask

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Keep earplugs and an eye mask handy while traveling. Ear plugs can help block out noise on a plane or in a busy hotel, ensuring a peaceful sleep. An eye mask can block out light, especially during long-haul flights or when adjusting to a new time zone. These small items can make a big difference in comfort and rest while traveling.

Pack a Wedge Doorstop

pretty young woman feeling sad and stressed, no money gesture, with a negative and anxious look

Bring one of the wedge door stops. Use it to prevent others from opening your door at night when you’re sleeping in a guest house, hostel, motel, someone’s apartment, etc. It’ll save you from being robbed.

Always Pack a Sarong

Woman walking on beach in blue fashion beachwear bathing suit and sarong pareo sun skirt relaxing in luxury Caribbean vacation holidays. Summer or winter getaway destination sarong
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A simple sarong can be the most useful travel accessory you can carry. You can use it as a makeshift towel, an eye mask, a wrap for conservative countries, sun protection, and even a curtain.

Carry a Power Bank for Your Phone

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A compact USB power bank can be a lifesaver, ensuring your phone stays charged when you’re on the go. It’s a small investment that can make a big difference, especially during long journeys or when power outlets are scarce.

Place a Dryer Sheet in Your Bag

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Place a dryer sheet in your suitcase to help keep your clothes smelling fresh throughout your travels. It’s a simple and effective way to maintain the cleanliness of your clothes while traveling.

Carry an Extra Camera Battery

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You don’t want to miss a perfect photo opportunity because your camera battery is dead. So always carry an extra camera battery. This is particularly important when exploring places where charging facilities might not be readily available.

Stay Hydrated

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While enjoying a few drinks during your flight may be tempting, opt for water.Staying hydrated, particularly on long-haul flights, is vital for your health and dealing with jetlag. It can also help your body adjust to new time zones.

Carry a Travel Pillow

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Being comfortable is essential during long flights; a quality travel pillow can make all the difference. It provides proper support for your neck and helps get some rest.

Stay Away from Family Groups

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Families, especially those with young children, take forever to get through security. Business travelers, due to their frequent travel, often have streamlined routines for navigating airport security. Following their lead can help you move through security checks more efficiently.

Don’t Spend Beyond Your Means

looking angry, annoyed and frustrated. dollar banknotes concept

Unseasoned travelers are known to spend more on the holiday, and this makes budgeting a lot more important. You don’t want to deal with a mountain of debt when you return from your vacation.

Hire a Local Guide

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Hiring a local guide helps to support the local economy and saves you money. Booking tours locally ensures your money goes directly to the guide. This is a great way to make new friends and learn about the local culture.

Tell Your Bank About Your Travel Plans

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Inform your bank and credit card providers about your travel itinerary to prevent unexpected hassles due to foreign transactions. Additionally, carrying multiple cards can provide a safety net during your travels.

Go On Free Walking Tours

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These tours help you feel the authenticity of the destination by walking the streets, talking to locals, and experiencing the city’s characteristic aromas and sounds.

Buy a CityPass

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City passes will help you access public transportation and bypass long queues at popular tourist destinations.

Eat Local Food

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Eating local delicacies and street food is a great way to experience a place and save money while you travel. Ask locals for their recommendations and go to places that attract more people.

Avoid Restaurants Near Tourist Attractions

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Restaurants near tourist attractions are often overpriced. Walk a few blocks and try to locate a regular restaurant that does not cater specifically to tourists.

Buy a local Prepaid SIM

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Don’t buy expensive international data packs from your regular cell provider; buy a prepaid SIM in whatever country you need service. A lot of countries these days offer tourist SIMs, you can look into that as well. Having a phone and data can make your trip a fun experience since you can keep in touch with your people, post photos, use GPS, and book Uber/Lyft rides, which are more convenient and usually cheaper than taxis.

Get Debit/Credit Cards With No Transaction Fees

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If you travel a lot, consider getting debit or credit cards with no foreign transaction fees and full ATM fee reimbursement (Chase, Schwab). This way, you won’t have to pay exchange rate fees.

Using a good rewards credit card will also help you save money. Rewards can add up quickly and offer free travel, upgrades, and late checkout.

Don’t wear expensive jewelry

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Avoid wearing expensive jewelry while traveling, as it is a sure way to make yourself a target for thieves. Leave your jewelry at home or with a friend, especially if you plan to travel to crowded locations.

Keep Extra Cash For Emergencies

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Stash some extra cash in different bags for emergencies. This can be a great help if you lose your wallet or encounter card issues.

The amount you need may differ according to the country you are visiting. On average, keep around $200 in $20 bills.

Get Vaccinations

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Whenever you plan to travel to a foreign country, always check the CDC’s destination pages for information on the vaccines and medicines that you may need..

Follow Your Gut

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Trust your instincts whenever you are in an unfamiliar environment. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s essential to listen to that feeling and take appropriate action, whether it’s avoiding a particular area, declining an offer, or seeking help.

Avoid Getting Scammed

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Scams are common in most touristy places. So, before you travel, research all the common scams in the country of your destination. Be aware of your surroundings and keep an eye on your belongings at all times.

If something feels off, it probably is. Don’t be afraid to say no or walk away. Use hotel safes for passports and extra cash. Always double-check details such as taxi fares or tour prices before agreeing to them.

Prioritize Safety

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While it’s exciting to seek adventures when traveling, you must prioritize safety and understand the risks associated with specific activities and destinations.

If you’re booking an adventure activity, ensure the company has positive reviews and a strong safety record. Don’t push yourself to do something you’re uncomfortable or unprepared for.

 Store Your Hotel Address and Room Number On Your Phone

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It’s common to forget hotel room numbers, especially when you’re in a new place or moving around frequently. Storing your room number and hotel address in your phone is a great tip. This can be particularly helpful when returning to your hotel after a day of exploring or in case of emergencies.

Avoid public WIFI

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Public Wi-Fi networks, especially at places like airports, can be less secure, making it risky to access personal accounts or enter passwords. It’s generally safer to use password-protected Wi-Fi networks like the one at your hotel. However, for sensitive transactions, always use a secure, private connection.

Wake Up Early

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Waking up early while traveling has multiple benefits. It allows you to enjoy popular attractions without the usual crowds, offering a more personal and enjoyable experience..

Don’t Be In a Hurry

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Taking the time to immerse yourself in a place allows you to discover its hidden gems, understand its culture, and form meaningful connections with its people. It’s not about the number of places you visit but the quality of your experiences.

Don’t Be a Travel Snob

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Travel is a personal journey, and it’s all about what you want to experience and learn. It’s not a competition but a path to self-discovery and understanding the world around us. So, don’t let anyone’s opinions or judgments affect your travel plans or experiences.

Be Flexible

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Be open to change of plans. Always be ready for delays and avoid getting upset when things don’t go according to your plans. Patience is key when traveling.

Be Respectful

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It’s important to remember that you are a guest in another country, and it’s a privilege to experience their traditions and way of life. So, dress appropriately, learn a few phrases in the local language, and be mindful of the local etiquette.

Carry Snacks

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Carrying snacks can indeed be a lifesaver during travel. It helps maintain energy levels during long journeys and provides a nutritious alternative to fast food. Plus, having a familiar taste while exploring new places is always nice.

Use Google Translate

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Google Translate can be helpful when traveling to places where you don’t speak the local language. It can help you communicate with locals and understand signs and menus.

Eat Healthy

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Health and well-being should always be a priority when a person is traveling. Be careful about what you eat to avoid traveler’s diarrhea.

Specific meats, cut-up fruits and vegetables and even water in some countries can carry germs that can make you sick. CDC advises travelers to avoid eating raw meat or seafood, including items “cooked” with citrus juice, vinegar, or other acidic liquid (such as ceviche).

Just Have Fun

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Traveling is all about stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Sometimes, that means making mistakes or looking silly. Embrace those moments, laugh at yourself, and remember that it’s these experiences that make the journey unique and memorable.

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