22 Career Killers You Didn’t Know You Had (But Should Slay ASAP)

Your daily actions or habits play a significant role in shaping your career. To climb the ladder of success, you must drop bad habits. You must also pick up good ones. Some common habits can stop you from building a successful professional career.


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Postponing tasks can harm work quality. To overcome this, establish clear deadlines. Try to break down tasks into smaller and manageable chunks. This way, you get things done more efficiently.

Negative Self-Talk

Depression, stress and a business man with empathy, support and help in office. Burnout, fired and entrepreneur person with headache, bad news or dismissal with comforting hand of friend on shoulder.
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Self-doubt can hurt your confidence. Remember your past achievements. Always focus on your strengths and try to think positively.

Poor Time Management

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Missing deadlines can question your reliability. You can use task management tools like Trello and Asana to be more systematic. Organize your day’s work and manage your time wisely.

Not Networking

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Not networking can limit your career. Attend events and use social media to meet new people. Networking enables opportunities and collaborations. It’s a simple way to boost your career.

Resisting Change

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You shouldn’t resist change as it can leave you behind. Stay updated by learning new skills and staying current in your field. Be open to new ideas and ready to meet the evolving demands of your industry.

Poor Communication

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Effective communication is significant in going a long way in your professional life. It enables you to convey your thoughts and ideas to others. Unclear communication can lead to misunderstandings. To prevent this, listen to others well and communicate.

Not Setting Goals

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Without clear goals, you may lack motivation. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

  1. Specific: Clearly define what you want to achieve.
  2. Measurable: Make your goals measurable so you can track progress.
  3. Achievable: Ensure your goals are realistic.
  4. Relevant: Align your goals with your aspirations.
  5. Time-bound: Set a deadline to create urgency and focus.

By using these SMART criteria in your goal-setting, you create an actionable plan. This keeps you motivated and provides a clear path to follow, increasing your chances of success.


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Don’t control every detail; it can be frustrating. Trust your team by giving them tasks. This not only shares the workload but also lets each team member shine. It’s about working together and achieving success as a team.


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Expecting instant success is unrealistic. Understand that success often takes time and patience. It is a gradual journey that requires constant effort. Being impatient causes an adverse effect on your career.

Ignoring Professional Development

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Keep learning to stay relevant in your field. Attend workshops and look for opportunities to expand your knowledge. It’s a simple way to remain competitive and valuable in your job.

Blaming Others

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Taking responsibility and working with your team to find a solution is essential. Blaming others will only hurt your reputation. To avoid this, be honest about your mistakes and take steps to fix them.

Lack of Empathy

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Not understanding your team can lead to poor teamwork. Promote a supportive team culture. Create an environment where everyone feels appreciated. This will make a motivated working environment.

Inability to Delegate

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57% of Americans are under stress due to high workload. It is essential to share tasks based on each team member’s strengths. This makes work efficient and supportive. Recognize each person’s role. Promote teamwork and prevent burnout.

Not Following Through

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Failing to keep promises can harm how others see you. To avoid this, be realistic about what you commit. Be upfront about challenges. This builds trust and shows integrity. It not only ensures transparency but also upholds your reputation. Having good professional relationships is important.

Neglecting Health

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Your bad health can affect your productivity. Keep a balanced lifestyle to perform your best at work.

Adding exercise to your routine and making healthy choices is essential. They are the basics of productivity. Taking care of your health boosts your performance. It also adds to a better and lasting career.

Not Accepting Constructive Criticism

Mentally burnt out and completely devastated, the young woman sits on the couch with her head in her hands. The businesswoman has lost her motivation to work and live. Close-up photo.
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Take feedback positively. See criticism as a chance to improve. View feedback not as a setback but as a pathway to improvement. When you understand this, you unlock a door of development.

Fear of Taking Risks

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Avoiding risks can limit your growth. Take a moment to evaluate risks, understand them, and don’t be afraid to face them head-on. If things don’t go as planned, see it not as a setback but a valuable lesson. Take failure as a stepping stone. Have a growth mindset for improvement.

Not Continuing to Learn

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Not keeping up with new knowledge can make you outdated. Always seek new learning opportunities. To stay sharp, always look for chances to learn. It’s all about expanding your knowledge. Learn new skills that keep you relevant and ready for whatever comes your way.

Inability to Say No

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Learn to set boundaries and manage your workload. Don’t drown in tasks; it can burn you out. To avoid that, know your limits and handle your workload wisely. Setting boundaries can help you balance work. It’s about understanding your capacity. Manage your workload so you can stay healthy and be more productive.

Excessive Social Media Usage

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Social media can be a significant distraction. To stay more focused and manage your time better, set specific limits on how much you use social media. This way, you can balance your online activities and your work. You create a work environment that lets you stay on top of tasks and be more efficient.

Not Building a Personal Brand

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Building your brand can improve your visibility. Get involved in industry discussions to boost your recognition. Start a conversation to share your experience. When you join discussions, you become more visible. It’s a simple yet effective way to stand out. It also helps create lasting impressions that can open doors to new opportunities.

Inappropriate Behavior

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Foul body language can harm your career. Avoiding eye contact or a weak handshake can be a career killer. People might see these habits as unprofessional. This can affect your career advancement.

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