10 Illegal Things To Do While Driving

There’s a saying: Be careful when on the road. Your carelessness can become fatal not only for you but also for other people on the road.  Despite knowing the consequences, the majority of drivers break the driving rules. Driving rules aren’t there to control you, it’s for the safety of everyone.

Driving without a license or insurance

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Driving without a valid driver’s license or insurance in New York violates state laws, carrying significant penalties. New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 509 prohibits you from driving without a license, resulting in fines, license suspension, or imprisonment for repeat offenses.

Similarly, Section 319 addresses driving without insurance, leading to fines, license suspension, vehicle impoundment, and potential civil liabilities in accidents. Understanding and complying with these legal requirements is important for ensuring road safety and legal compliance.

Distracted driving

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Engaging in distracted driving poses significant risks to both you and others on the road. Distractions such as texting, talking on the phone, or even eating can divert your attention away from the task of driving, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Many states have implemented laws to combat distracted driving.

For example, in California, texting while driving is prohibited under California Vehicle Code Section 23123.5. Violating this law can result in fines and penalties, potentially affecting your driving record and insurance premiums.

Cutting across cyclists

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Sharing the road safely with cyclists is important for preventing accidents and ensuring road safety. To protect cyclists, many states have laws regulating passing distance, which requires drivers to maintain a safe passing distance when overtaking cyclists.

Violating this law can result in fines and penalties. It’s essential for drivers to exercise caution when passing cyclists, giving them ample space and waiting for a safe opportunity to pass. Public awareness campaigns can further promote safe driving habits and respect for cyclists’ rights on the road.


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Undertaking, and passing on the right poses risks to road safety, potentially leading to accidents. Laws in many states, such as Illinois Vehicle Code Section 11-703, regulate this action to prevent collisions. Violating these laws can result in fines, penalties, and legal liabilities.

To promote road safety, drivers should avoid undertaking unless necessary and allowed by law, staying vigilant, using turn signals, and checking blind spots. Public awareness campaigns can educate drivers about the dangers of the undertaking, encouraging responsible driving behavior for safer roads.

Driving too close to another vehicle

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Tailgating, and driving too closely behind another vehicle increases the risk of rear-end collisions and compromises road safety. Many states, like Georgia, regulate the following distances to prevent accidents caused by tailgating.

Georgia Code Title 40, Chapter 6, Section 40-6-49 prohibits following another vehicle more closely than is reasonable. Violating this law can result in fines, penalties, and legal liabilities. Maintaining a safe following distance, adhering to recommended guidelines, and raising public awareness about the dangers of tailgating are essential for promoting safer driving habits and reducing rear-end collisions.

Drunk Driving

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Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs poses severe risks to road safety. Every state prohibits drunk driving, with strict laws and penalties in place to deter this dangerous behavior. For example, in Pennsylvania, DUI (Driving Under the Influence) laws are covered under Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes Title 75, Section 3802.

Violations can result in fines, license suspension, mandatory alcohol education programs, and imprisonment for repeat offenders. To prevent accidents, plan ahead and designate a sober driver or use alternative transportation options. Public awareness campaigns play a vital role in educating the community and promoting responsible alcohol consumption for safer roads.

Driving with a dirty windscreen

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Maintaining a clean windscreen is important for clear visibility while driving. A dirty windscreen can obstruct the driver’s view, increasing the risk of accidents. While there may not be specific laws addressing this issue, most states require drivers to maintain clear visibility. Regularly cleaning the windscreen with washer fluid and wipers is a must, especially in heavy weather or dusty conditions.

Wrong side Parking

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Parking on the wrong side of the road, also known as wrong-way parking, poses risks to drivers and pedestrians alike. This illegal practice obstructs traffic flow and increases the likelihood of accidents. While specific law rule numbers may vary by jurisdiction, most prohibit wrong-side parking to maintain order and safety. Violators may face fines, penalties, or vehicle towing. To prevent accidents and comply with regulations, always park on the designated side of the road, parallel to the curb, and in the direction of traffic flow.

Throwing litter out of your window

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Littering from your vehicle window is a significant concern as it contributes to environmental pollution and poses safety risks on the road. Laws and regulations, such as California Vehicle Code Section 23112, prohibit this behavior, with fines or potential criminal charges for violators.

Compliance with anti-littering laws is essential for preserving natural habitats and ecosystems, ensuring road safety. In California, enforcement involves fines and possible community service, underscoring the importance of maintaining cleanliness and safety standards on the state’s roadways and public spaces.

Angry Horn

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Excessive honking, often fueled by frustration, can escalate tensions on the road, leading to potentially dangerous situations. While horns are important for safety, misuse can result in accidents and road rage. Laws, such as New York Vehicle and Traffic Law Section 375 (2)(a), require horn usage only when necessary to prevent collisions. It is suggested to reserve horn use for genuine safety concerns rather than expressing anger.  Following these laws promotes responsible driving and contributes to a safer road for everyone.

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