22 Things the Bible Forbids, Yet People Keep Doing

The Bible serves as a cornerstone of faith for numerous individuals. Yet, amidst its teachings, there are several obscure prohibitions often overlooked in daily life. This article delves into lesser-known Biblical restrictions that may conflict with contemporary customs.

Wearing Revealing Clothing

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1 Timothy 2:9 advocates for dressing modestly, prioritizing modesty and reflecting godly values in one’s attire rather than flaunting wealth or status. Despite this biblical emphasis, modern fashion often embraces and glorifies revealing clothing as a means of personal expression or fashion statement, diverging significantly from the modesty encouraged in the Bible.

Wearing Mixed Fabrics

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Leviticus 19:19 outlines a prohibition against wearing clothing woven from two different types of material. This guideline is a component of the Holiness Code, designed to maintain the distinctiveness and sanctity of the Israelites in contrast to neighboring cultures. Yet, contemporary fashion often incorporates blended fabrics, like polyester-cotton blends, in everyday attire.

Wearing Gold

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In Timothy 2:9, there is counsel discouraging women from embellishing themselves with gold or pearls. This directive is nestled within a broader discussion on modesty, encouraging followers to prioritize virtuous actions and spiritual qualities over outward adornments. However, the wearing of gold is widespread, often associated more with social standing or individual fashion preferences than with notions of piety or humility.


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Leviticus 19:16 directly warns against the act of gossiping, urging individuals not to spread rumors within their community. Despite this admonition, gossip continues to permeate social interactions in numerous communities, sometimes perceived as innocuous chatter for sharing social tidbits, yet overlooking its capacity to inflict harm on others.

Charging Interest on Loans

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In Leviticus 25:36-37, the Bible advises against charging interest on loans, particularly to those who are economically disadvantaged. This principle aimed to foster mutual support among people. Nevertheless, in contemporary banking and finance, charging interest is fundamental. It serves as a primary revenue stream for banks and is integral to nearly all financial transactions.

Consulting Psychics or Spiritual Mediums

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The Bible unequivocally prohibits attempting to communicate with the deceased or seeking guidance from mediums, necromancers, or fortune-tellers. Leviticus 19:31 cautions, “Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the LORD your God.” Scripture teaches that these practices are not only sinful but also ultimately fruitless. Rather than turning to mediums during times of difficulty, we are urged to place our trust in God.

Eating Rare or Uncooked Meats

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Leviticus 17:12 advises against consuming blood, extending to the prohibition of rare or uncooked meats. This regulation aims to ensure that food is prepared in a clean and ritually pure manner.

Working on the Sabbath

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Exodus 20:10, one of the Ten Commandments, enjoins believers to sanctify the Sabbath day and refrain from labor, dedicating it to rest and spiritual contemplation. However, in today’s fast-paced society, many individuals find themselves working on the Sabbath, reflecting a departure from the sacred observance of this day in favor of meeting the demands of modern life.

Using Profane Language

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While not explicitly addressed in the passages cited, biblical teachings advocate for wholesome speech and caution against corrupt communication. The Bible promotes uplifting language, aligning with principles that underscore the potency of words and the significance of maintaining purity in speech.

Ignoring the Poor

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The Bible emphasizes the importance of caring for the poor and assisting those in need as a means of honoring God. Despite the presence of charities and social services in today’s world, the plight of the poor often goes unnoticed. Frequently, social and economic systems fail to provide adequate support for those facing hardships.

Men Cutting Their Hair and Shaving

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Interestingly, men are advised against shaving their beards or cutting their hair, although it might pertain specifically to certain hairstyles, possibly round haircuts. Leviticus 19:27 states, “Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the edges of your beard.”


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Although modern tattoos aren’t directly addressed in the Bible, some Christians view all tattooing as improper due to a specific injunction in Leviticus 19:28. This Old Testament regulation instructed the Israelites to refrain from getting tattoos or making cuts on their bodies as an act of reverence towards God. While contemporary Christians don’t strictly adhere to all Old Testament laws, this prohibition concerning tattoos still prompts reflection for some individuals.

Eating Fat

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Leviticus 3:17 prohibits the consumption of fat, yet contemporary diets frequently incorporate high-fat foods driven by taste preferences and culinary traditions rather than adherence to biblical dietary guidelines.

Round Haircuts

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Leviticus 19:27 expressly prohibits rounding off the hair on the sides of one’s head or trimming the edges of the beard. This directive was part of a set of laws intended to distinguish the Israelites from other groups, particularly in matters of grooming. Despite this, modern hairstyles often incorporate various forms of rounded cuts, including bowl cuts, fades, and crew cuts.


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Biblical passages such as Mark 10:9 unequivocally denounce divorce. This verse emphasizes the sanctity of marriage, asserting that what God has united, humanity should not divide. This reflects the Biblical perspective of marriage as a sacred and lifelong union intended to be upheld as an enduring commitment.

Hanging Out With People Who Drink Or Eat Too Much

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Indulging in food and drink is a common social activity many enjoy, a practice that extends back to biblical times. However, the concern arises when we associate closely with individuals inclined toward excessive consumption, leading us down a similar path. Proverbs 23:20-21 cautions against such associations, stating, “Do not join those who drink too much wine or gorge themselves on meat, for drunkards and gluttons become poor, and drowsiness clothes them in rags.” This proverb underscores the potential consequences of aligning with those given to overindulgence, warning of the financial and physical pitfalls that often accompany such behavior.

Cursing Parents

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In Exodus 21:17, a severe consequence is outlined: “Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death.” This commandment underscores the profound reverence and respect owed to parents within biblical teachings. Such an injunction serves as a stark reminder of the gravity with which this offense is regarded in ancient Israelite society, emphasizing the importance of honoring parental authority and maintaining familial harmony.

Viewing Pornography

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Although pornography is not directly mentioned in scripture, the Bible condemns lustful thoughts and behaviors, as highlighted in Matthew 5:28. It disapproves of actions that promote sexual activity outside of marriage or distort perceptions of intimacy.

Matthew 5:28 warns that continued lustful desire towards someone other than one’s spouse can lead to adultery. This principle extends to anyone, regardless of marital status, who indulges in viewing pornographic material with the intent to engage in sexual misconduct. It reflects a broader Christian ethic that values purity and fidelity, advocating for integrity in both thought and deed.

Body Piercings

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The viewpoint among Christians regarding piercings varies: some perceive them as innocuous, while others interpret biblical teachings to advocate for treating our bodies as sacred temples, thus abstaining from practices that could cause harm, including piercings. In the Old Testament, such as in Leviticus 19, there’s a prohibition against cutting or piercing the body, often associated with pagan rituals. However, the New Testament is silent on the matter of piercings, emphasizing instead the importance of caring for our bodies.

Eating Shellfish

Polite cheerful positive smiling female worker of fish shop in apron offering fresh raw salmon to woman customer
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Leviticus 11:10 categorizes shellfish and certain sea creatures lacking fins or scales as detestable and unsuitable for consumption. These dietary laws aimed to maintain ritual purity and distinguish the dietary practices of the Israelites from those of neighboring cultures.

Planting More Than One Kind of Seed

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Leviticus 19:19 also advises against planting different kinds of seeds in the same field. However, contemporary agricultural techniques, such as crop rotation and polyculture, are commonly employed to enhance soil fertility and biodiversity. This reflects a departure from the literal interpretation of scriptural instructions in favor of adopting modern agrarian practices rooted in scientific understanding.

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