15 Things That Will Happen if 70 Becomes the New Retirement Age in the US

Raising the retirement age to 70 has led to fiery debate among policymakers. Republican House leaders have proposed that 70 should be the new retirement age, while others strongly disagree. But what would that mean for workers, businesses, and society? Read on as we explore the 15 potential consequences of raising the retirement age, from economic realignment to impact on mental health.

Economic Realignment

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Raising the retirement age is a double-edged sword for the job market. While a more seasoned workforce could boost the economy, it might also crowd out younger workers. This could stifle career advancement for younger generations, impacting their lifetime earnings.

Productivity and Innovation

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With a later retirement age, workers gain valuable time to hone skills and knowledge. This could lead to a productivity boost. However, the flip side is a potential slowdown in innovation. Entrenched practices and resistance to new ideas from seasoned workers could stifle the fresh perspectives often brought by younger generations.

Reduced Turnover

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Later retirement means extended careers for older adults, which benefits both workers and companies. Employees can keep learning and growing while businesses enjoy the stability of a reduced turnover rate.

Adopting Age-Friendly Policies

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The rising retirement age means a greyer workforce. The companies will need to accommodate a more senior workforce by adopting age-friendly policies like flexible hours and ergonomic adjustments like adjustable workstations and supportive chairs. These adaptations not only reduce injury risk for older employees but can also boost overall productivity.

Impact on Mental Health

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Pushing back retirement can be a mixed bag for mental well-being. A sense of purpose and social connection from work can boost life satisfaction for older adults. However, the flip side is potential burnout and stress from prolonged work. Businesses and individuals must find a balance to ensure work enhances, not hinders, well-being in later years.

Businesses Will Have To Encourage Collaboration

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A higher retirement age raises the question of whether seasoned workers will become mentors or rivals to younger colleagues. The key lies in fostering collaboration within organizations. By creating a culture of teamwork and knowledge sharing, businesses can leverage the strengths of both generations for a more prosperous future.

Upskilling Will Be A Norm

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As the retirement age rises, companies must invest in ongoing training. Lifelong learning programs could become the norm, ensuring a skilled and adaptable workforce well into later years. This investment will be crucial to bridge the potential skills gap a rising retirement age creates.

More Disposable Income

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A later retirement age means a wealthier older population. Spending on health, leisure, and wellness could rise with more disposable income. This silver surge could prompt businesses to adapt their marketing strategies, while the real estate market might see a shift in demand away from traditional retirement housing.

Increased Healthcare Costs

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A rising retirement age presents a healthcare challenge. Employers may face higher costs as they extend health benefits to older workers, who statistically require more medical attention. This could strain healthcare systems overall. To mitigate this, companies should invest in on-site wellness programs to keep employees fit, healthy, and productive throughout their careers.

Change In The Housing Market

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A later retirement age could reshape the housing market. Demand for traditional retirement homes outside of cities might wane as older adults prioritize staying closer to work and amenities. This could lead to a rise in age-friendly housing options near business districts and public transportation. The growing remote workforce could also see a surge in demand for home office spaces to accommodate older adults working from home.

Changes In Public Transportation

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A higher retirement age means more commuters on the road, potentially straining public transportation systems. To accommodate older workers, these systems might need an upgrade focused on accessibility and comfort. We could see increased investments in infrastructure to ensure safe and convenient travel for our senior citizens.

Relief for Retirement Funds

Pushing back retirement age could benefit social security and pension funds. With people working longer, there are more contributors and less strain on these systems, potentially ensuring their long-term health. Delaying payouts and increasing contributions will also strengthen the safety net for future generations.

Careers Will Become Fluid

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With retirement on hold, careers might become more fluid. Learning new and diverse skills and adapting to changing demands will be vital for navigating multiple careers throughout a longer working life. This approach could become the norm for a future where work is a marathon, not a sprint.

Silver Startups

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Later retirement age could usher in a wave of “silver startups” – businesses launched by experienced individuals in their midlife or later years. These entrepreneurs would bring a wealth of experience to the table, potentially increasing the success rate of their ventures. This trend could redefine entrepreneurship, making it a lifelong pursuit rather than a young person’s game.

Wealth Transfer May See A Twist

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Raising the retirement age to 70 will also affect inheritances. While older adults will accumulate more wealth, potentially leading to larger inheritances for younger generations, the actual transfer might be delayed. This could limit younger people’s ability to invest in homes or other opportunities early in life, impacting their financial trajectory.

Change In Retirement Planning

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As the retirement age shifts, financial planning will have to be overhauled. We’ll need a cultural shift towards long-term planning, starting from a young age. Employers and financial institutions might offer more resources and tools to navigate a longer working life. Public awareness campaigns could also help people understand and prepare for this new economic reality.

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