15 Things Considered Taboo Now, That Used to be Socially Accepted

Time is changing rapidly, and so many things are evolving with it. Various practices that were once widely accepted by society have now become taboo. The boomer generation may feel this shift more acutely, as many practices that were standard in their youth are now discouraged. In most cases, the primary reason behind this change is rising awareness and evolving attitudes, leading to a shift in societal value.

Smoking in Public Places

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Smoking in public places like parks, hotels, airplanes, offices, and beaches was acceptable. Nobody had a problem with it, and people smoked freely in public as there was less awareness of the health implications. However, smoking is now strictly prohibited in many public places, and designated smoking areas have been established in many offices and hotels to promote public health.


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In the 1960s or 70s, hitchhiking was quite common. Kids would often explore the neighbourhood by getting a lift from strangers. The crime rate was lower, and it was safer to trust people. However, times have changed, and hitchhiking is now considered risky. Additionally, people are less willing to give free rides to others.

Plastic Usage

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Back then, there was less awareness about environmental issues, and people freely used plastic. As a result, the US has become the most significant contributor to plastic pollution, producing 42 million metric tons of plastic annually. Now, with increasing awareness, there is a strong movement toward reducing plastic usage and promoting sustainable alternatives to protect our environment.

Child Labor

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Children used to work in factories, farms, and as newsboys, and it was considered entirely normal. Working during summer vacations was widely popular, as it helped them earn money and taught valuable life lessons. However, federal child labour laws now prohibit children from working before the age of 14 to protect them from exploitation.

Racial Slurs

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In the past, People were less sensitive and often used racial slurs and discriminatory jokes in casual conversation without much thought. Such language is widely condemned today as people emphasize equality and respect for all communities. This shift reflects the belief that everyone should be treated with the dignity they deserve.

Girls Not Taking the First Step

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Back then, girls were not expected to take the first step in a romantic relationship; they were supposed to wait for men to initiate. Thankfully, this norm is changing significantly. Women now freely express their feelings and make the first move, and this shift is accepted and celebrated by men.

Not Living Together Before Marriage

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Living together before marriage was once shunned by many communities as it was viewed as morally incorrect. However, with rising divorce cases and high living costs, many couples now choose to live together. This decision is not only economically wise but also helps them understand each other better. According to a national health statistics report, 3 out of 4 women lived with their male partners before turning 30.

Punishing Children

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In the past, physical punishment or spanking was commonly used to discipline children. If you were born a generation ago, you may remember receiving corporal punishment in school. However, parents are now more sensitive and don’t allow schools to hurt their children. Nearly 32 states have banned corporal punishment, seeing its harmful physical and physiological impacts on children.

Drunk Driving

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Although drunk driving laws were first enacted in New York in September 1910, people did not strictly follow them. Besides, by 1985, drunk driving was legal in 26 states. It was only after 1988 that drunk driving became illegal in all 50 states of America due to the rising number of accident cases. In 2022, Florida alone experienced 5,018 drunk driving cases with 290 fatalities.

Throwing Trash on Streets

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Discarding trash on the street or in parks and beaches was once common. People didn’t think much about cleanliness or the environment, and littered street litter was a common sight. Nowadays, things have changed significantly, and for the better. People care about the environment and are aware of keeping their city clean and beautiful. Additionally, you can be fined for throwing litter on the street.

Racial Segregation

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Some decades ago, racial segregation was not only widely practised but also legally acceptable. People faced discrimination in schools, hotels, and many public places due to their colour, race, and ethnicity. However, awareness has increased, and many now advocate equality. The government is also focused on providing equal opportunities for everyone regardless of race, colour, and ethnicity.

Discrimination Against Gay

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Passing homophobic remarks, unfair treatment, and not providing equal opportunities to gay individuals were quite common in the past. Now, the majority of people condemn such discrimination and support gay rights. According to a Gallup poll, 76 percent of Americans support policies that protect LGBTQ+ individuals, leading to embracing and celebrating diversity.

Animal Cruelty

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Mistreating animals for fun and entertainment was once socially acceptable, and people often did not care much about animal rights. Today, it is illegal and highly condemned by animal lovers and others. Nearly 46 percent of Americans support stricter laws for animal cruelty, highlighting the growing compassion and concern for animal welfare.

Fat Shaming

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Making fun of people for their weight was once considered casual and justified as a way to motivate them to lose weight. Irrespective of others’ feelings and their harmful impact on someone’s psychology, many people make demeaning comments to fat individuals. Thankfully, there has been a significant shift, and people now promote body positivity and understand that everyone deserves respect.

Women Consent

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It may sound strange and even disrespectful today, but in the past, women’s consent in many areas, including romantic relationships, was often overlooked. They were not part of significant financial discussions and other important issues, which were considered the domain of men. Thankfully, there is heightened awareness and emphasis on the importance of women’s consent in substantial matters and romantic relationships.

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