These 14 Well Paying Jobs Are Facing Extinction

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be an additional 4.2 million jobs in the country in the next 8 to 10 years. However, other bureau statistics show that some good-paying jobs are slowly declining.

Let us discuss some popular jobs that are losing their relevance in upcoming years. If you are on the road to employment, try to stay away from these fastest-disappearing jobs.

Word Processors and Typists

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With the advent of computers, typewriters have become obsolete. Moreover, handwritten documents are very rare in professional settings. Modern word-processing software allows individuals to easily type, edit, and format text. As a result, most organizations no longer hire typists and word processors.

Watch and Clock Repairers

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In the next 7-8 years, there will only be 1.4 thousand manual watch and clock repairers in the USA. Nowadays, people prefer quartz and digital technology in timepieces. Quartz watches are more accurate and require less maintenance than mechanical watches. Further, the advent of digital technology has diminished the need for repair services.


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Mining jobs in the country have been declining due to several interconnected factors. Firstly, many companies use automation now, reducing the need for manual labor. Several companies have also scaled down in the last decades due to environmental regulations. Plus, mines have become more technologically advanced. Rather than manual workers, they install machinery and require workers with specialized skills.

Foundry Mold and Coremakers

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These skilled workers create molds and cores used in metal casting processes. The adoption of automated molding and core-making processes in foundries is reducing manual jobs. Moreover, there is a shift towards digital fabrication techniques like 3D printing. These changes are all contributing to further job loss.

Telephone Operators

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Earlier, most companies relied heavily on telephone operators. The operators mostly worked at the front desk and the marketing sections. The rise of robocalls and spam filters has made traditional telemarketing less effective. As companies abandon tele-operating services, these workers should start looking for other job options.

Legal Secretaries and Administrative Assistants

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There has been significant technological advancement in many administrative sectors. Things are easier with document management systems and electronic filing systems. Many jobs are being outsourced to locations with lower labor costs. Additionally, most companies look for people with advanced expertise. As a result, entry-level administrative jobs are reduced.

Textile Workers

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The textile industry in the United States is experiencing a significant decline. This is largely due to globalization and outsourcing. Companies are shifting their production to countries with lower labor costs. Many textile workers have lost their jobs due to this. This scenario will worsen in the next few years, with a further reduction of 6.5 thousand jobs.

Manufacturing Jobs

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Manufacturing jobs used to be the backbone of the American economy once. Now, automation, globalization, and outsourcing have contributed to the decline of these jobs. Improved processes and high-tech machines have made it possible to reduce manual workers in the field. By 2032, the country will see a -21% growth in this area.

Hand-grinding and Polishing Workers

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Another manual work industry that will take the hit is hand-grinding and polishing jobs. Nowadays manual tasks like polishing and grinding do not always require human workers. Sophisticated machinery and tools can perform tasks with more accuracy and efficiency. There will be -19.5% growth in this area by 2032.

Engine and Other Machine Assemblers

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The rise of automation and robotics has affected many manufacturing industries. Machines are capable of performing repetitive tasks more quickly and efficiently than humans. So, many companies have turned to that. This helps them streamline their production processes and cut costs. This change has resulted in a widespread deduction in the engine and other machine assembly jobs.

Postal Service Jobs

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Traditional mail carriers and postal clerks jobs are also vanishing in the United States. Nowadays, people use less physical mail. Online communication like email, electronic bill payment, and digital marketing are more convenient. Thus, people do not rely on written/printed mail anymore. As a result, there will be heavy downsizing in the US postal departments in the coming days.

Bank Teller Jobs

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Bank tellers verify the customers’ IDs and assist them with basic bank operations. In the last few decades, online and mobile banking have become very popular. Thus, the need for in-person tellers has diminished significantly. Customers can now complete most banking transactions on their own. The Bureau of Labour Statistics mentioned that bank teller jobs will decline by around 8% by 2026.

Entry Level Data Operators

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Some years ago, industries had a huge demand for entry-level data keyers and operators. Many companies recruited entry-level data operators to manage their businesses. With AI and sorting software, manual data operating jobs will cease to exist.

Writing, Proofreading, and Translation Jobs

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Skilled human labor is no longer the priority in the publishing industry. Companies have mostly shifted to digital translators for technical translation work. Many software can write, edit and proofread documents. Some companies still prefer human editors and translators for creative expertise. Yet, these jobs are likely to decline even further.

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