16 Subtle Ways to Tell if Someone Has Military Experience

Certain traits and behaviors often hint at a person’s past experiences. Among these, specific habits and practices can reveal a history of military service. Observing these indicators can provide insight into someone’s background and the disciplined lifestyle they may have led.


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Punctuality is deeply ingrained in those with a military background. They view time as essential and prioritize promptness. Arriving even a few minutes late is considered disrespectful and unprofessional in their eyes. Their discipline in managing time often extends to all areas of their lives. This makes them exceptionally reliable.


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Ex-military individuals often maintain a straight, upright posture, even when standing casually at home. Their preferred sitting posture is to have their back straight. This habit of maintaining good posture is a telltale sign of their military background. It reflects their sense of pride and readiness, traits that are highly valued in the military.

Sleeping Style

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The majority of people need a calm and cozy setting in order to fall asleep. However, those with a military background have developed the ability to sleep in less-than-ideal conditions. They are also highly alert to any changes in their surroundings, even while sleeping. This heightened awareness and adaptability are traits often carried into civilian life, hinting at their military past. Their intensity training is evident in their ability to sleep well and wake up prepared for action.

Manner of Walking

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Veterans tend to walk faster than civilians, a habit developed during their time in the military when quick movement was often necessary. This past-faced walking style often persists into civilian life. They differ from a typical pedestrian because of this. Their purposeful stride often conveys a sense of determination and urgency.

Physical Fitness

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It is critical for those ex-military personnel to maintain physical fitness. They often stick to rigorous exercise routines, including running and strength training. This reflects their commitment to staying in shape as they did during their service. Their dedication to fitness is not just about physical health. It is also about maintaining mental discipline.


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Military training often instills patience, particularly in dealing with bureaucracy and waiting for orders. Veterans are less likely to become frustrated or complain about delays. It reflects their understanding of patience as a virtue. Their ability to remain calm and composed under stress is a testament to their training and experience.

Communicates Clearly

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A direct and precise way of speaking is a hallmark of those who have served in the military. They tend to use clear and concise language to convey their messages efficiently. Their direct style of communication discloses their military experience. Their manner of speech is typically free of ambiguity and can be easily understood.

Manner of Eating

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Those with a military background tend to eat quickly compared to civilians. They are conscious of time and strive to complete tasks, including meals, efficiently. If someone consistently finishes their meals in a short amount of time, it could be a sign of their military experience.

Respect for Authority

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Respect for authority figures is a strong trait among those who have served in the military. They follow orders diligently and show a high level of respect for their superiors. This can be a clear indicator of their military upbringing. Their respect for hierarchy and chain of command is evident in their interactions and behavior.

Use Their Left Hand for Carrying Everything

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Military personnel are trained to salute with their right hand. Due to this, they develop the habit of carrying items in their left hand to keep their right hand free. This practice can linger after their service, subtly indicating their military experience. This habit also reflects their adherence to protocol and readiness to show respect at any moment.

Practical Approach

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Individuals with a military background approach problems in a sensible, efficient manner. They focus on finding the most direct path from one point to another. They are incredibly accurate and do not allow for misunderstandings. It reflects their disciplined background. This practical, no-nonsense approach to problem-solving is a common trait among ex-military personnel.

Mostly Wears Cargo Shorts

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A love for cargo shorts is another common trait among ex-military personnel. They find these shorts practical due to their numerous pockets as they allow them to carry various items. This functional clothing choice is a subtle indicator of their time in the military, where utility and readiness are highly valued. Their taste for utilitarian clothing frequently carries over to other areas of their closet. It reflects a focus on function over fashion.

Flag Symbolization

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Retired military personnel often proudly display their country’s flag on their personal belongings, such as their cars or homes. The visible sign of national pride is a common way for veterans to honor their service and can be a clear marker of their military background. They frequently do more with their flag display than just show off. It symbolizes their deep-seated loyalty and pride in their country.

Ability to Sleep Anywhere

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Those with a military background often develop the ability to sleep in any environment, no matter how uncomfortable or noisy. This adaptability is a result of their training and can be a strong indicator of their past service. Their knack for falling asleep quickly and deeply, regardless of conditions, is a survival skill honed through experience.

Acronym Usage

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Military personnel commonly use acronyms in their communication. In civilian life, it is a practice that is frequently carried out. For example, using “v/r” to sign off emails, meaning “very respectfully,” can indicate their military past. This is because civilians are less likely to use such shorthand. They frequently interject military jargon into their conversation. It makes their background apparent to those who listen to them.

Standing During National Anthem without A Fail

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Veterans show great respect during the national anthem by placing a hand on their hearts. his deep sense of patriotism and protocol adherence can reveal their military background. Their unwavering stance during the anthem reflects a lifelong commitment to honoring their country.

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