7 Signs of a Healthy Body and 7 Warning Signs of Poor Health

Taking control of your health is essential for living a full life. While diseases are common, some symptoms might indicate the general state of your health. For example, research suggests that around 38% of Americans experience persistent exhaustion. This might indicate a health imbalance. Understanding these signals allows you to take proactive care of yourself and seek medical attention when necessary.

A list of 7 indicators that your body is in good health.

Consistent Bowel Movements

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Regular and comfortable bowel movements show that your digestive system is healthy.  In the United States, about 42 million people experience constipation. Eating a diet high in fiber and drinking enough water can help keep your digestion smooth. To support regular bowel movements, include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and plenty of water in your daily diet.

Well-Nourished Hair and Nails

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When your body lacks certain vitamins and minerals, it often shows first in your hair and nails. For example, biotin, zinc, and iron are really important for keeping your hair and nails healthy. Eating foods that have lots of these nutrients can help make sure your hair stays strong and your nails look nice.

Appropriate BMI for Your Height

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Body Mass Index (BMI) is a way to see if your weight is appropriate for your height. It can be calculated by dividing your weight in kg by the square of your height in meters.

BMI = Body Weight (kg)/ {Body Height (m) X Body Height (m)}

About 20% of children aged 2 to 19 in the U.S. have obesity. For adults, a bit over 42% are obese and around 30.7% are overweight.

Here’s what the BMI numbers mean:

  • BMI>18.5- Underweight.
  • A BMI between 18.5 and 24.9- A healthy weight.
  • A BMI between 25.0 and 29.9- Overweight.
  • BMI is 30.0 or higher- Obesity.

Regulated Eating Patterns

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Controlling your appetite means managing how hungry you feel. If you often feel very hungry, it might mean you’re not eating enough healthy food.  In the U.S., over 30% of adults struggle with obesity, often due to uncontrolled appetite. On the other hand, it’s easier to control your hunger if you eat at regular times, get plenty of rest, and handle stress well. These habits help your body stay balanced and make it less likely to feel overly hungry all the time.

Normal Monthly Menstruation

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Having regular menstrual cycles, which typically occur every 27 to 35 days, indicates good reproductive health. It shows that ovulation is happening normally, which means hormone levels from the brain to the ovaries are balanced. On the other hand, women who are not in good health due to being overweight or underweight often experience irregular or absent periods. According to NICHD, 14% to 25% of women in the USA experience irregular menstrual cycles.

Regular and Uninterrupted Sleep

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Sleep is crucial for our body and mind to recharge and stay healthy. It aligns our body clock and stabilizes our restorative cycle. Good sleep affects how we feel and our thinking ability. Signs of good sleep include falling asleep quickly and sleeping through the night without waking up often. Waking up feeling refreshed is a key indicator of quality sleep. However,  it’s estimated that between 50 to 70 million americans face sleeping problems.

Feeling energetic

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If you can handle your daily tasks without feeling tired or in pain. If you can also do extra activities without feeling tired afterward. This means that you have good energy levels. Studies show it can range from 7% to 45% in the general US population. Regular exercise, at least three days a week for at least 20-30 minutes each time. Eating more whole foods instead of processed foods, especially foods with good carbohydrates. These practices will help you boost your energy levels. You can also practice meditation to reduce stress.

Seven indicators that your body may not be in good health

Weak Hair and Nails

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Brittle hair and nails are often caused by a lack of biotin (vitamin B7), which helps convert food into energy and keeps hair, nails, and skin healthy. Poor diet, prolonged antibiotic use, and eating raw egg whites which block biotin absorption can also cause brittleness.  About 38% of American women have biotin deficiency. This issue can signal deeper health problems like skin disease, intestinal inflammation, and brain function changes if not addressed.

Ulcers Inside the Mouth

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Mouth ulcers can be caused by low levels of iron and certain B vitamins, like B1, B2, and B6. If not taken care of, these issues can be painful and make it difficult to eat or talk. They also suggest that your body might be lacking important nutrients, which can affect your overall health.

To help with these problems, eat a variety of foods that are rich in iron and B vitamins. These include whole grains, poultry, meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, organ meats, and legumes.

Approximately 5 million people in the U.S. population experience iron deficiency anemia.

Nocturnal Respiratory Sound

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Snoring can be a sign of various health problems like sleep apnea, being overweight, heart disease, acid reflux, and even stroke. Nearly 40 million adults in the USA suffer from obstructive sleep apnea. According to the Cleveland Clinic snoring occurs when the passage where you breathe gets partly blocked during sleep. This blockage makes the tissues in your nose, mouth, or throat vibrate as you breathe in and out. These vibrations result in the noise of snoring.

Your Skin is Breaking Out

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When you get acne on your face, it might indicate underlying health issues. There are certain reasons as to why breakouts occur such as changes in hormones, genetics, diet, stress, and more. Face mapping connects where acne appears to potential causes in your body. For instance, Acne on your bottom chin might mean there’s something wrong with your digestion. Several gastrointestinal diseases are Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, Gardner syndrome, and Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.

Unexpected Weight Loss

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According to doctors, if you lose more than five percent of your body weight without meaning to, then you might have a health issue. There could be many reasons such as diabetes, bowel diseases, thyroid issues, cancer, or heart problems. If you’re losing weight without trying, it’s important to consult a doctor about it and any other symptoms you have.

Trouble Seeing Well at Night

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If you face trouble seeing at night, this could signal a health problem. This could be due to not getting enough vitamin A. It is necessary to produce a pigment in your eyes that helps you see in the dark. Lack of vitamin A affects the vision and might lead to a condition that damages the cornea and can cause blindness.

Frequently Falling Ill

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If you find yourself getting sick more often than usual with flu-like symptoms, sore throats, and similar issues. It’s important to meet your doctor. Frequent sickness might indicate another health problem. On average, adults in the U.S. catch colds two to four times a year. However, frequent illness may require medical attention to ensure you’re healthy and have enough nutrients to fight off illnesses.

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