22 Retro Habits Worth Adopting Again

Younger people often used to try hard to be very different from their parents and grandparents. However, today, younger generations, such as GenZ and Millennials, are starting to appreciate and bring back old-fashioned habits.

A series of 22 classic boomer habits that are regaining popularity in the new generation.

Classic Station Wagons

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Station wagons are making a comeback, leaving behind the craze of SUVs. These classic family cars are perfect for road trips. It offers the comfort of rear-facing back seats that make every journey exciting.  Moreover, the beautiful wood paneling provides an elegant look.

Letters Penned By Hand

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Even if emojis and text messages are common nowadays, handwritten letters are gaining popularity again. Picking the notes, writing a letter and mailing them brings a special feeling of intention and excitement. It helps to build strong connections, showing that sometimes the old-fashioned methods are the most meaningful.


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Fondue parties are regaining popularity among GenZ and millennials. The social act of dipping bread into melted cheese or fruit into chocolate has an appeal that feels very ’70s style to them.

Handmade Crochet

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Many teens and adults are getting into crocheting and sewing. The pleasure of working with yarn is gaining popularity again. Social media plays a more significant role in bringing attention to these activities. People are now using them to build unique garments and decorations, adding their style to everything they make.

Vinyl Albums

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Vinyl albums are making a big return in music. Music lovers enjoy their rich, analog sound, and collectors search for rare finds in shops and markets. Playing a record involves a physical connection to the music that many people find satisfying. Vinyl albums have become the top-selling physical music format.

Motor Scooters

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Scooters, which were popular in the 1950s and 1960s. They’re practical and have an appealing appearance, making them a convenient way to get around in cities. They’re great for avoiding traffic and finding easy parking.

Outdoor Cinema With Car Access

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During the Corona pandemic, people started preferring the drive-in movie theaters. These theaters were originally very popular in the 1950s and 1960s. However, they started to decline because of new home entertainment options, such as TV and video. Drive-ins are regaining popularity because they offer a safe and comfortable way to watch movies together.

Planting and Nurturing

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Millennials and Gen Z are getting into gardening because it helps them relax and feel closer to nature. Young generations are maintaining houseplants in their apartment and cultivating vegetables in pots. Social media is full of plant-related groups where people connect and share gardening tips.

The Charm of Typing on a Typewriter

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Unlike a laptop, typing on a typewriter has its unique appeal. The sound of the keys when you type makes writing a pleasant, rhythmic experience. However, repairing mistakes on a typewriter is considerably more difficult than on a laptop.

Fringed Outfits

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Fringe was once a popular design element during the 1960s and 1970s. Designers are updating fringe with new materials and styles. You can find fringe on clothes and accessories, such as bags, shoes, and jewelry. It’s an excellent method to add a vintage sense to your design while remaining modern.

Landline Phones

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In the 21st century, you can easily control your phone just by talking to it. However, now, people are becoming more interested in old-fashioned landline phones. Using these phones means you have to look for the right letters, turn the dial, and enjoy the nostalgic ringing sound. Unlike modern phones, it takes time and isn’t very practical, but it has a special charm.

Reading the Pages of Physical Books

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E-readers are handy because one device can carry lots of books. However, many people are starting to appreciate physical books again. When you read a physical book, you can get into the story without distractions. Studies show that reading physical books might help you focus better and remember more compared to reading on a screen.

Finding Pre-loved Items

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Thrifting is making a big comeback, especially among younger generations. It involves using products again instead of buying new ones. People are drawn to it because it’s eco-friendly and budget-friendly. Thrifting offers a unique shopping experience where you can find unique pieces and create your style.

Traditional Pen-and-paper Journaling

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While online tools offer convenience, many now appreciate the therapeutic benefits of putting pen to paper. Journaling offers a space for self-reflection. Unlike typing, writing by hand helps to make a deeper connection with your thoughts and emotions. This practice can help you process emotions, set goals, and track personal growth effectively.

Valuable Family Moments

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Quality family time is gaining importance as people prioritize their families once more. This is bringing back old family customs and traditions. Moreover, it’s important to pass down family history and values to the younger generation.

DIY Household Repair

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Many young people are choosing to do their home repairs instead of hiring expensive professionals. They use internet tutorials and videos to learn how to achieve this. Saving money and helping the environment are also reasons that this trend is becoming popular again.

Traditional Family Cooking

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Many Millennials and Generation Z like home cooking and rediscovering recipes from their boomer ancestors. It’s also about staying connected to their family’s history and the traditions that were passed down through generations.

Real-life Connections

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Millennials and Generation Z are increasingly valuing face-to-face connections. They’re greatly seeking authentic connections through events, meetups, and social clubs. The pandemic has highlighted the value of personal connection, resulting in an increased appreciation for spending quality time with friends and family in person.

Property Exchange

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House swapping, an old travel trick, is making a comeback. People exchange their homes with people from different parts of the world. They get to stay in someone else’s place and experience a new area without paying for hotels. It’s a chance to experience the comforts of home while seeing new locations at a reasonable cost.

Being Responsible

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It’s encouraging that more people are now taking responsibility for managing their households and finances. Boomers have always prioritized budgeting, investing, and financial planning. Younger generations are showing a growing interest in these habits. This trend signals a positive shift towards greater financial responsibility across all age groups.

Staying Informed Through a Newspaper

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Many people from the baby boomer generation grew up with newspapers as the main way to get news. Even though today online news is available, younger people are starting to appreciate this older way of reading news.

Preservation of Food

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Methods such as canning and pickling are old ways of preserving food that are popular again. These techniques help minimize food waste and cut down on grocery expenses. Additionally, it allows consumption of fruits and vegetables throughout the year, even when they are not in season. This approach allows for enjoying delicious meals, saving money, and supporting environmental sustainability.

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