12 Shocking Reasons Americans Are Turning Away from Amazon

Amazon, a giant in online shopping, is changing how we shop and interact online. However, there are important reasons to think twice about shopping on Amazon. The company’s practices can be unfair and harmful in many ways. From dominating the market and hurting small businesses to exploiting workers and avoiding taxes, many reasons exist for boycotting Amazon.

Here, we will look at the main reasons for stopping Amazon support. We have used information from trusted online sources to explain why choosing not to support Amazon can lead to a fairer and better society. Let’s examine these reasons and see how Amazon’s actions impact us all.

Market Control and Unfair Competition

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Amazon has quickly become a dominant force in the retail market. They achieved this by adopting aggressive pricing strategies and leveraging its vast resources to outcompete others.

In 2023, FTC sued Amazon for Illegally Maintaining Monopoly Power, and CNBC highlighted how the antitrust committee said that Amazon bullies partners and vendors.

This has made it incredibly difficult for small businesses, including small sellers, to survive on the platform. They struggle to match Amazon’s low prices, often forcing them out of the market. This dominance reduces consumer choices and harms local economies.

Exploitation of Workers

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Amazon’s reputation for fast delivery comes at the cost of its workers’ well-being. Amazon warehouse employees who deliver services or do gig jobs must work hard. They face intense pressure to meet demanding targets and often work in harsh conditions.

A report from October 2023 states that nearly 70% of Amazon workers took unpaid leave last month due to stress and injuries related to their jobs. Among those who have been with the company for over three years, 60% report feeling burned out. The company’s focus seems to be more on profit than on the health and well-being of its employees.

Massive Tax Evasion

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Despite its massive earnings, Amazon doesn’t pay its fair share of taxes. It finds ways to minimize the tax burden by using loopholes. This practice places a heavier tax load on ordinary citizens and deprives governments of funds needed for public services. Also, Amazon gets subsidies from the government for its projects. It could be seen as an unfair advantage over smaller competitors.

Environmental Neglect

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Amazon undervalues its carbon footprint. It uses a lot of resources and causes high levels of pollution. The company engages in many detrimental practices, from cutting down forests to using too much plastic. Also, it relies too much on fossil fuels, worsening the climate situation.

Undermining Democratic Processes

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Amazon’s vast wealth and influence pose challenges to democratic governance. The company is accused of using its financial power to sway political decisions and policies in its favor, often at the expense of public interest. This disproportionate influence undermines the democratic process and reduces the power of the average citizen to affect change.

Social Inequality and Displacement

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Amazon’s expansion can also disrupt local communities. When Amazon enters a new area, housing costs can skyrocket, displacing long-term residents. It also complicates things for local businesses. The jobs Amazon provides frequently lack stability and fair wages, contributing to greater social inequality and community disruption.

Privacy Violations

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The company’s devices, like Alexa and Ring, have been involved in privacy scandals, which raise serious concerns about personal safety and privacy in today’s digital world.

In June 2023, Amazon was fined $25 million for privacy violations. The US Federal Trade Commission accused the company of not deleting recordings of children’s conversations with Alexa despite parents’ requests.

Additionally, Amazon paid a $5.8 million fine because Ring, its doorbell camera brand, allowed employees to access recordings from private areas of customers’ homes, including bedrooms and bathrooms.

Loss of Product Diversity

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Amazon’s influence on the retail market significantly affects product diversity. In 2023, Amazon dominated the online retail sector in the United States, accounting for 37.6 % of the total share of sales. By promoting certain products more than others, Amazon shapes consumer choices. This limits diversity and stifles innovation in the marketplace.

Toxic Workplace Culture

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Amazon’s corporate environment is known for unreasonable high standards and long working hours. The company’s intense focus on performance can create a stressful and competitive atmosphere, particularly detrimental to work-life balance and mental health. Employees are often exposed to arduous sessions in which they are cold-called and quizzed on substantial data. The pressure to succeed causes anxiety and unhealthy competitiveness among coworkers.

Racial Discrimination

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Over the years, Amazon has faced multiple allegations of racial discrimination. There have been reports of low-level hiring and slow promotions for people of color. A 2022 CNET report stated that Black workers at Amazon warehouses reportedly faced racism and were denied additional security. There were racial discrimination complaints against their facial recognition software as well.

Despite Amazon’s commitments to diversity, ongoing legal challenges and complaints suggest persistent issues. These instances of racial bias are significant reasons to reconsider supporting Amazon.

Gender Bias

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Amazon has faced multiple lawsuits alleging gender discrimination. Issues include demotions and reduced responsibilities after complaining about workplace inequality.

In 2023, three Amazon women employees sued the company on the grounds of gender bias and pay gap. These allegations suggest deep-rooted gender biases at Amazon, impacting fairness and career growth for female employees.

Concerns in Technological Advancements

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Despite Amazon’s efforts to “upskill” its employees by giving job training to help them transfer to new professions, it is apparent that automation is changing the labor environment. Amazon continues to invest in robotics and mobile sorting robots. This raises questions about the future of human labor in warehouses.

This highlights the ethical consequences of technological innovation. Moreover, it promotes efficiency over human well-being and livelihoods.

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