7 Reasons to Ditch Europe And Explore These 5 Underrated Destinations for Your Summer Adventure

Europe offers breathtaking landscapes, spellbinding art and architecture, cities immersed in history and culture, long days, exuberant nightlife, and world-class cuisine. No wonder it is the most popular tourist destination and the first destination that pops up in a traveler’s mind. Despite its many charms, we will tell you not to visit Europe this summer but to visit these 3 places instead. Find out the reasons why.

Read on to learn 7 reasons not to visit Europe this summer and 5 places to visit instead.

Summer Olympics

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France is hosting the Summer Olympics from July to August 2024. Paris, the most visited city in the world, will be bursting at the seams with the massive tourist influx. Expect crowds everywhere, in metros and popular tourist venues, and soaring accommodation prices.

Euro 2024

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As if the Summer Olympics weren’t enough, Germany is set to host the monumental Euro 2024 in Berlin and 9 other cities. This grand event is expected to draw a massive influx of tourists, potentially leading to overcrowded venues and heightened security concerns. Given the high accommodation prices, it’s advisable to reconsider your travel plans to Europe this summer.

Taylor Swift’s Concert

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by Vince Bucci – © 2010 Vince Bucci

Taylor Swift will be on her much-anticipated Eras tour in many European cities from May through July. Her tickets are already sold out, and people are willing to visit other cities to see her concert. Hotel prices have already skyrocketed in the cities she will be performing.

The Crowds

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Europe has seen a post-pandemic tourist boom. The crowds at popular tourist destinations can be overwhelming. Imagine standing for hours to enter the Eiffel Tower, reaching the ticket counters of Galleria Dell’Accademia to be told it’s sold out, not able to see Trevi fountain, or barely able to move through the streets or board trams due to the maddening crowds. Many tourist destinations are putting a cap on the number of visitors to control the influx of visitors (in places like Hallstatt and Marseille) and placing bans on cruise ships in Amalfi and Venice. We are sure this is not the vacation you want to pay for.

The Weather

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Much of Europe experienced severe heat waves in 2023 and saw a record number of days with extreme heat stress. The temperatures across Europe stayed above average for 11 months of 2023, and this extreme weather is here to stay. Europe is the fastest-warming continent. It is heating at a rate far above the global average. Extreme heat, flooding, wildfires, droughts, and deaths related to heat waves are reasons enough to stay away from Europe this summer.

It’s More Expensive

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There’s a lot of travel demand carried forward from before the pandemic. Airfare to Europe was nearly $1200 per round trip in 2023, which is set to go up amidst the ongoing Ukraine war and high fuel costs. Due to rampant inflation in Europe, drinks and food in restaurants cost more as well. Accommodation prices are also skyrocketing.

The Closures

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As the schools are shut in the summer, many shops, restaurants, and businesses close in the summer months, and the owners and their employees take their annual breaks. Hence, the tourists don’t see the hustle, bustle, and vibrancy of the cities in the summer months as opposed to other months.

Don’t be disheartened. Not all is lost. So what if Europe is out of bounds this summer? There are many equally beautiful places to visit instead. Here are 5 places to visit this summer instead of Europe.


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There are no rains, and the skies are clear in July, so international tourism picks up in Peru. From trekking to bustling cities, Amazon river cruises, and beach towns, Peru has a lot to offer. Visit Machu Picchu, the most popular Incan ruins, by taking the Inca Trail through coffee plantations, glacial lakes, and snow capped peaks. It is an excellent time to experience Peru’s Amazonian rainforests for its biodiversity and cruising the Amazon River. Lima has a lot to offer tourists craving a bit of city life after trekking and hiking. It has beautiful architecture, exciting museums, a delectable culinary scene, fantastic nightlife, and shopping.


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Summer is a great time to visit Tanzania. The Great Wildebeest Migration occurs across the plains and moves up to Kenya. Head to the Serengeti National Park for spotting wildlife on a safari. Visit Gombe National Park, which is home to chimpanzees, blue monkeys, olive baboons, red colobus, vervet monkeys, and red-tailed monkeys. July is also a great month to climb Mount Kilimanjaro and sunbathe on the white sand beaches of the Indian Ocean.

Sri Lanka

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Sri Lanka is a small island nation offering a dramatic mix of landscapes, diverse cultures, spectacular wildlife, and unmatched experiences. Being close to the Equator, Sri Lanka enjoys a tropical climate throughout the year. However, July and August are low-key months for Sri Lankan tourism, meaning fewer crowds and affordable accommodation. Visit Minneriya National Park to see herds of elephants migrating from one park to another in search of food and water, or head to Yala National Park to spot Sri Lankan leopards. The hills around Tea Country and Kandy are picturesque, and you enjoy cooler evenings even in July.

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador

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July and August are cool and dry months. Marine life, like dolphins and sea lions, becomes more active at this time of the year, making island hopping more fun. In places like Santa Cruz Island, Plazas, Santa Fe, and San Cristobal, you can snorkel with sea lions, turtles, and colorful fish. There are greater chances of seeing whales (Humpbacks, Sperm, Minke, and Sei) during this time, which is quite unlikely in the other months.

Bali, Indonesia

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The weather in Indonesia is calm and inviting in July and August, making it an ideal place to visit. If you are a beach person, you can surf, snorkel, enjoy the various water activities, or laze in the sun. Bali also offers volcano hiking, beautiful temples, bustling street markets, and a delectable culinary experience to its visitors.

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