15 Neediest Cities in America in 2024

Hunger, poverty, and homelessness are still a preventable issue in America in 2024 with over 11.5% of Americans living in poverty. A study conducted by WallHub revealed the neediest cities using key indicators like child poverty and food insecurity.

Detroit, Michigan

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Detroit tops the list of America’s neediest cities with a staggering score of 61.43. Ranking first in economic well-being challenges, the city grapples with widespread poverty and unemployment. Despite its slightly better safety rank of 5, Detroit faces significant crime rates and healthcare access issues. The once-thriving Motor City now struggles to provide for its residents. It highlights the urgent need for comprehensive urban revitalization efforts.

Brownsville, Texas

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Brownsville secures the second spot with a total score of 52.78. While its economic well-being rank of 9 is slightly better than Detroit’s, the city still faces considerable financial hardships. Surprisingly, Brownsville’s health and safety rank of 3 surpasses Detroit’s indicating severe challenges in these areas. The city’s unique geographic position contributes to its complex socio-economic issues. To improve everyone’s quality of life in the state requires focused interventions.

Gulfport, Mississippi

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With a total score of 55.71, Gulfport claims the third position among America’s neediest cities. Its economic well-being rank of 7 reflects significant financial struggles faced by residents. The health and safety rank of 6 suggests that Gulport also contends with considerable challenges in crime, healthcare, and poverty. The coastal city’s vulnerability to natural disasters may contribute to its ongoing economic instability and social issues.

Cleveland, Ohio

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Cleave ranks the fourth neediest city in America with a total score of 54.36. The city’s economic well-being rank of 6 indicates severe financial hardships for many residents. However, its health and safety rank of 12 is somewhat better, but still concerning. Once an industrial powerhouse, Cleveland now grapples with the aftermath of economic decline, signifying the need for urban renewal strategies.

Laredo, Texas

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Laredo secured the fifth position with a total score of 52.93. Interestingly, its economic well-being rank of 26 is significantly better than the top four cities. However, its health and safety rank of 7 reveals critical challenges in these areas. This city’s unique position likely contributes to its complex socio-economic landscape and requires tailored solutions to address specific needs.

Jackson, Mississippi

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Jackson ranks sixth with a total score of 52.23. The city’s economic well-being rank of 3 underscores the severe financial challenges faced by its residents. However, its health and safety rank of 59 is considerably better. This suggests the city has managed to maintain relatively better conditions despite economic hardships.

Corpus Christi, Texas

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Corpus Christi holds the seventh position as the neediest city in America with a total score of 52.03. Its economic well-being rank of 52 is notably better. However, the health and safety rank of 4 indicates critical challenges in these areas. This coastal city’s ranking reflects the diverse nature of urban needs. This is because economic stability does not always translate to better health and safety conditions.

Little Rock, Arkansas

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Little Rock ranks eighth with a total score of 51.87. The city’s economic well-being rank of 16 and health and safety rank of 17 indicate consistent challenges across these areas. As Arkansas’s capital, Little Rock’s struggles highlight the pervasive nature of urban poverty and the need for comprehensive policy interventions.

Augusta, Georgia

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Augusta secures the ninth spot with a total of 51.76 as the neediest city in America. The city’s well-being rank of 4 reveals severe financial challenges. However, its health and safety rank of 76 is surprisingly better. It suggests Augusta has managed to maintain relatively better conditions in these areas despite economic hardships. This disparity underscores the complex interplay of factors contributing to urban needs.

Fresno, California

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Fresno rounds out the top ten with a total score of 51.67. Its economic well-being rank of 13 indicates significant financial struggles for many residents. The health and safety rank of 26, while better than some cities, still suggests considerable challenges. As a major city in California’s agricultural heartland, Fresno highlights the persistence of urban poverty even in economically vital regions.

New Orleans, Louisiana

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New Orleans ranks eleventh as America’s neediest city with a total score of 51.53. The city’s economic well-being rank of 15 reflects ongoing financial challenges for many residents. Its health and safety rank of 24, while slightly better, still indicates significant issues. Despite its rich cultural heritage and tourism industry, New Orleans continues to grapple with persistent poverty and urban decay.

Fort Smith, Arkansas

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With a score of 51.48, Fort Smith ranks twelfth in this list. The economic health of this city is ranked 69 which is significantly better than other cities on this list. However, its health and safety rank of 1 reveals major challenges in these areas. This stark contrast highlights the complex nature of urban needs and the importance of comprehensive approaches to city development.

Birmingham, Alabama

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Birmingham, with a score of 51.40, comes on the thirteenth rank. Its economic well-being rank of 31 suggests moderate financial challenges. However, the health and safety rank of 8 signifies problems in these areas. Once a major industrial center, Birmingham’s struggles reflect the ongoing challenges faced by many post-industrial cities in adapting to changing economic landscapes.

Shreveport, Louisiana

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Shreveport ranks the fourteenth spot as America’s neediest city with a total score of 51.06. The city’s economic well-being rank of 17 indicates considerable financial hardships for many residents. Its health and safety rank of 21 suggests challenges in the city. Shreveport’s ranking underscores the persistent nature of urban poverty in mid-sized American cities.

Los Angeles, California

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Los Angeles, the largest city on this list, ranks fifteenth with a total score of 50.70. Its economic well-being rank of 21 reflects significant financial challenges despite the acuity’s global prominence. The health and safety rank of 15 highlights substantial problems in these specific areas. LA’s presence on this list highlights that even major economic hubs can struggle with widespread urban poverty as well.

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