12 Life Lessons from Netflix Show Bridgerton

Netflix’s Bridgerton is a hit series that combines romance, drama, and the elegance of the Regency era. Set in 19th-century London, it follows the lives of the Bridgerton family and their friends as they navigate love, society, and secrets. The show, produced by Shonda Rhimes, has captivated audiences worldwide with its stunning costumes, beautiful sets, and gripping storylines.

While Bridgerton is entertaining, it also offers valuable life lessons. From the importance of family to the power of honesty, the series highlights many timeless truths. Here are some key takeaways from Bridgerton that we can apply to our own lives.

Value of Family

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

In Bridgerton, the importance of family is a recurring theme that underpins much of the storyline. The Bridgerton family is a tight-knit group that supports one another through various trials and tribulations, reflecting the significance of familial bonds. One of the most poignant examples of this is the relationship between Daphne and her eldest brother, Anthony. As the head of the family, Anthony takes his role seriously, often making decisions to protect and guide his siblings.

Be True To Yourself

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Being true to oneself is a crucial lesson, highlighted by characters like Daphne and Eloise in the show. Daphne Bridgerton, the eldest daughter, dreams of finding true love rather than marrying just for social status. Despite the pressures of the marriage market and societal expectations, she holds out for a match that combines both love and respect. Her relationship with Simon, the Duke of Hastings, starts as a ruse but grows into a deep and genuine love, showing that staying true to oneself leads to real happiness.

The Power of Forgiveness

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Forgiveness is a crucial theme of the show, especially in the relationship between Daphne and Simon. Their marriage faces many challenges, including misunderstandings and hurtful secrets. At one point, Daphne discovers Simon’s vow never to have children and feels deeply betrayed. However, through open communication and understanding, they both seek forgiveness. Simon acknowledges his mistakes, and Daphne forgives him, allowing their relationship to heal and grow stronger.

Courage To Love Someone Deeply

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Having the courage to love someone is a central theme of the show. This is seen in the relationship between Daphne Bridgerton and Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings. Simon is determined never to marry or have children due to a vow he made out of anger towards his father. Despite his feelings, he falls in love with Daphne. It takes great courage for him to admit his love and decide to build a future with her, breaking his vow.

The Importance of Reputation

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

In Bridgerton, reputation is everything. This is clear in how Lady Whistledown’s gossip column can make or break a person’s standing in society. For example, when Daphne’s reputation is tarnished by a public incident with Simon, it almost ruins her chances of finding a suitable match. To protect her honor, she and Simon hastily marry. This plot points highlights that in the world of Bridgerton, one’s actions and how they are perceived by others hold significant power over one’s life.

Communication is Key

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

The misunderstandings between Daphne and Simon highlight this point. Early in their marriage, Simon does not fully explain his reasons for not wanting children, leading Daphne to feel hurt and confused. It is only when they have an honest conversation about their feelings and fears that they begin to resolve their issues. This plot point shows that clear and open communication is essential for understanding and maintaining strong relationships.

The Importance of Embracing Change

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

In Bridgerton, embracing change is a lesson seen in many characters’ stories. One clear example is Anthony Bridgerton, the eldest son, who struggles with his role as head of the family after their father’s death. Initially resistant to change, Anthony tries to control everything and everyone around him. Over time, he learns to accept his responsibilities and the changes that come with them. It shows that accepting and embracing change, rather than resisting it, leads to growth and new opportunities.

Strength in Adversity

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Bridgerton also teaches the value of finding strength in adversity. One notable character is Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings, who faces significant personal struggles due to his troubled childhood and strained relationship with his father. Despite these challenges, Simon builds a successful life and ultimately finds love and healing with Daphne. His character in the show exemplifies how enduring difficult times can lead to personal growth and stronger relationships.

Equality and Respect Amongst All

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Bridgerton series highlights the importance of equality and respect through its diverse cast and progressive storylines. One key example is the character of Simon Basset.  Despite his high status, Simon respects Daphne’s intelligence and strength, treating her as an equal partner in their marriage. Another example, Queen Charlotte, a character of mixed race, holds a position of power and influence, reflecting a more inclusive vision of society. These characters emphasize that mutual respect and the pursuit of equality are vital for a just and harmonious society.

Vulnerability is Not A Sign of Weakness


The idea that vulnerability is not weakness is beautifully shown in the series. For instance, Simon Basset, the Duke of Hastings, appears strong but hides deep emotional scars from his childhood. It is only when he opens up to Daphne about his past and fears that he begins to heal. Similarly, Lady Violet Bridgerton, the family matriarch, often shows her vulnerability in her love and concern for her children, demonstrating that caring deeply and showing emotions are signs of strength, not weakness.

Consequences of Lies and Betrayal

Image Credit: IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

Lies and betrayal often drive the drama and conflict in Bridgerton.  For example, Simon’s vow never to have children, Lady Whistledown’s secret identity, and Marina Thompson’s deception about her pregnancy all create significant turmoil. These lies lead to broken trust and strained relationships. Daphne’s marriage suffers when she learns about Simon’s vow, while Penelope’s secret as Lady Whistledown causes widespread scandal. The series shows that lying often leads to dire consequences for the characters.

Improving Relationships Takes Some Time

Image Credit IMDB Photo by LIAM DANIEL/NETFLIX – © 2024 Netflix, Inc.

In Bridgerton, the concept of improving relationships over time is evident in the evolving bond between Daphne and Simon. Initially, their marriage is fraught with misunderstandings and secrets. However, through patience, open communication, and a willingness to work through their problems, they gradually build a strong and loving relationship. This progression shows that improving relationships require time, effort, and mutual understanding, rather than quick fixes.

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