10 Must-Have Resources for the Apocalypse

Interest in doomsday preparation has grown significantly in recent years. The number of preppers in the US has doubled since 2017, reaching an estimated 20 million today. This rise reflects a growing awareness of the need to be ready for natural calamities and other emergencies. To help you prepare effectively, we’ve gathered insights from experienced preppers.

This guide lists essential items that are crucial for any doomsday stockpile. Follow the list to ensure you’re well-equipped to handle any disaster.

Food Supplies

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It’s common to face a food shortage during disasters like hurricanes or floods. You must be able to deal with the food shortage until help arrives. The CDC recommends keeping a food supply that lasts at least three days. Choose foods with a long shelf life that need little or no cooking and don’t require refrigeration. You can choose to stock up canned meats, vegetables, fruits, juices, soup, and milk. Also, consider adding energy foods like granola bars and peanut butter to your supplies.

Water Arrangement

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While you prepare for doomsday, consider storing at least a gallon of water for every family member. Your water supply should last a few days, preferably a week or more. If someone in your family is pregnant, store a gallon more for her in your doomsday stockpile. When filling the plastic containers with water, ensure you fill it to the top, leaving no air space. Furthermore, you must store it in a dry, cool location and away from contaminants.

Road Maps

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In some cases, it might not be possible for the rescue team to reach your location. You might get a radio alert guiding you with a safe path to the nearest disaster center. With no access to the Internet or digital tools, the road map will come to your rescue. Well-curated maps are ideal for prepping, which will help you respond to relief or rescue operations with better accuracy.


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No matter the emergency, a flashlight is a must-have tool in your doomsday stockpile. Some disastrous situations might lead to power cuts from the grid. During the odd hours when there’s no sunlight, you must be able to see and assess your surroundings. You rely on your visibility to find a way out and be free from danger. Don’t just buy an ordinary flashlight; go with the LED ones. They are light in weight, smaller, and don’t heat too much. Above all, the LED flashlights are brighter, giving you better visibility.

Back-Up Batteries

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During emergencies, you must expect longer power cuts until the situation comes under control. In such cases, it isn’t convenient or intelligent to have generators in your doomsday stockpile because of the noise it makes. It also demands you to stock fuel to run the machine, which is an added effort. Therefore, it is better to have backup batteries to charge your essential electronics. You can expect the batteries to last for several years, and they can also provide you with power backup for extended emergency outages.

Sleeping Essentials

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When your city is in a disaster, you might be alarmed to trigger your survival instincts. As you never know when or how the help will arrive, it is better to be physically strong and active to care for yourself and your dependents. Healthy sleep is essential for that purpose. While prepping for doomsday, you must keep sleeping bags, tents, air mattresses, and other such sleeping essentials. Use those essentials and get sound sleep in turns till you receive help or locate any nearest shelter.

Warm Clothes

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Storing warm clothes or blankets is crucial for your doomsday stockpile. It will ensure protection from the natural elements. Some disasters can drop weather conditions to unbearable temperatures, causing hypothermia. Having appropriate clothes and temperature-regulating accessories can be critical to ensure you live. Furthermore, if your existing clothes are torn or wet, having an additional pair of warm clothes will allow you to survive comfortably.

First Aid Equipment

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You cannot deny the fact that there will be the possibility of injuries during a doomsday event. First-aid kits might not be enough to handle severe medical emergencies, but they can delay the worst outcome till help arrives. In a medical emergency during a catastrophe, you must be able to provide primary or instant care. You must treat it immediately, whether it’s a bruise, cut, sprain, burn, or scrape. The first-aid kit should have adhesive bandages, sterile dressings, wipes, medications, tourniquets, etc.

Hygiene Goods

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Personal hygiene is crucial in doomsday situations, just like anything else. The primary purpose of adhering to hygiene practices during an emergency is to slow the spread of any illness or epidemic. Some hygiene goods that you must consider adding to your survival kit include soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, feminine essentials, sanitizers, condoms, and deodorants. Maintaining hygiene during a crisis can help free you and your family from infections or sickness.

Critical Documentation

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In disaster or doomsday scenarios, safeguarding your family’s essential documents is crucial. Ensure you have copies of ID Proof, insurance policies, property deeds, bank records, and other important documents. It’s also wise to keep digital copies stored securely online or in encrypted drives for easy access and added security. Store the physical originals in a fireproof and waterproof safe. It will protect them from flood, fire, or any other such calamities.

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