15 Interview Phrases That Could Cost You the Job

Interviews serve as a chance for both job seekers and employers to gain insights about each other. Nevertheless, for a job applicant, a single misstep could cost them their dream position. Here are 15 statements and questions to steer clear of during a job interview.

“I’m not very familiar with this company.”

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This remark may leave a negative impression, signaling a lack of preparation and enthusiasm for the opportunity. Interviewers seek candidates who demonstrate genuine interest in both the company and the role. Conducting research before the interview underscores your enthusiasm for the job and the organization.

“I am eager to secure this position.”

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Centering solely on your needs can divert attention from your value proposition. Remember, an interview is a mutual assessment. You’re evaluating the company just as much as they’re evaluating you. Rather than solely expressing your needs, emphasize the skills and experience you bring to the table, or discuss how you can contribute to the company’s growth.

”I don’t work well in a team setting.”

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“Saying ‘I don’t work well with others’ is not good for getting a job. Most jobs need people to work together. If you don’t like working with a team, it might be hard to get things done with your coworkers. Instead, talk about times when you’ve worked well with others and achieved goals together.”

“My old boss was tough to work with.”

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Speaking negatively about former employers can reflect poorly on your professionalism and raise doubts about your conflict resolution skills. Additionally, it may suggest that you struggle to maintain positive working relationships. Instead, emphasize the positive aspects of your past experiences and highlight the skills you acquired from them.

“I’m not sure if I have the right skills for this job.”

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This statement makes you seem less confident. The interviewer might start doubting if you’re right for the job. Even if you’re unsure about some things, stay positive. Show your adaptable skills and eagerness to learn. Share your excitement for the chance and talk about how you can contribute.

“I have a lot happening in my life outside of work.”

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It’s normal to have personal stuff going on, with ups and downs. But talking about them in an interview might worry the interviewer. They might think your personal stuff could distract you from the job. So, it’s better to focus on why you’re a good fit for the job and talk about your work skills.

“I don’t know how to use that software.”

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Saying you don’t know how to use certain software can be risky, depending on the situation. If that software is really important for the job and you haven’t used it before, it could be a problem. But you can say you’re ready to learn it fast if they give you the chance.

“I don’t have anything to ask.”

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Saying this might make it seem like you’re not interested. It’s good to have questions ready for the interviewer. It shows you’re curious and interested. You could ask about the job, what the company is like to work for, or who you’d be working with. It shows you’ve thought about the job.

“When do I begin?”

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It’s good to be excited, but asking this question too soon might be too forward. The interviewer will talk about when you can start when they’re ready. Wait until they show they’re interested in you and the interview is moving forward before asking about start dates.

“It’s already on my resume.”

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Even if what the interviewer is asking about is already written on your resume, it’s better to give more details in your own words. They might be asking to learn more. Instead of just repeating what’s on your resume, give examples or explain how your skills match the job.

“What are the benefits?”

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We know that what you get besides your pay is important. But it’s better to ask about it later in the interview process. If you ask too soon, the interviewer might think you care more about money than the job itself.

“I don’t care about the benefits that comes with the job.”

Many employers offer extra benefits along with pay. These can include health insurance, paid time off, and savings for when you stop working. Benefits can be a big part of what you get for working. Even if you already have some of these things, acting like they don’t matter is not good. It might make you seem like you don’t appreciate the job or aren’t excited about it.

“I can’t work on weekends or evenings.”

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In some jobs, you might need to work at different times, not just during the day. It’s good to keep your options open. Instead of saying you can’t work those times, you could be more flexible. Talk about when you like to work and why. You can also say you’re okay with changing your schedule if needed.

“I’m not sure how much salary I want.”

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Before going to an interview, it’s good to have an idea of how much you want to get paid. This shows you’ve looked into it and know what you should get. Doing some research before can help. You’ll know if you’re getting paid the right amount for the job and where you live.

“I’m open to anything!”

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Many recruiters like to hire people who are enthusiastic about specific roles. If you’re not sure about what you want to do, it can make interviewers think you’re not really excited about any particular job. It’s not good to say things like, “Actually, I wanted a different job in your company. Can you talk to the person who hires for that?”

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