20 Hottest Small Businesses Taking TikTok By Storm

TikTok is transforming small businesses into viral sensations. According to a recent study conducted by Vivid Ads, analyzing engagement rates under the hashtag #smallbusiness revealed the most popular sectors on the app. TikTok’s visual storytelling captivates audiences, fosters community, and propels their products into the spotlight of digital culture.


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Stationery businesses are flourishing on TikTok, with 4% of top videos generating 322.3 million views. The sector’s success stems from the platform’s visual nature which allows creators to showcase their aesthetically pleasing planners, notebooks, and pens, among other items. This trend aligns with the growing interest in journaling and organization among younger audiences.


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Accessories dominate TikTok’s small business scene, claiming 13% of top videos and crossing 160 million views. The popularity of this category of business is driven by the platform’s fashion-forward user base and the ease of demonstrating wearable items. Short-form videos effectively showcase jewelry, bags, and other trendy accessories, fueling impulse purchases.


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Beauty-related content captures 18% of the top small business videos on TikTok, accumulating 164.4 million views and 144.21 million likes. This sector thrives due to the platform’s visual format, ideal for makeup tutorials and product demonstrations. The beauty industry’s constant innovation and TikTok’s predominantly young female audience contribute to its high engagement rates.

Stress Relief

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Stress relief products have gained significant traction, with 9% of top videos garnering 139 million views. This surge reflects the increasing awareness of mental health and self-care. TikTok’s short-form content is perfect for showcasing stress-relief techniques and products. It appeals to users seeking quick solutions for daily stressors.


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Food-related small businesses occupy 14% of top videos, attracting 135.7 million views and 139.15 million likes. TikTok’s format is ideal for showcasing quick recipes, food hacks, and unique culinary creations. The platform’s algorithm favors engaging and visually appealing content. It makes food videos highly shareable and drives traffic to small food businesses.


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Flowers businesses have bloomed on TikTok, with 7% of top videos gaining 101.7 million views. The visual appeal of floral arrangements perfectly suits the platform’s aesthetic-driven content. TikTok’s ability to showcase the process of creating bouquets and arrangements has sparked interest in both purchasing and DIY floral design.


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Home decor businesses claim 6% of top small business videos, amassing 77.2 million views and 58.73 million likes. TikTok’s visual nature allows for the creative showcasing of interior design ideas and products. The rise of home improvement trends in recent years has fueled interest in decor content. It benefits small businesses in this sector.


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Printing businesses represent 4% of top videos, garnering 61.2 million views. This sector’s success on TikTok is driven by the platform’s ability to show custom printing processes and showcase unique designs. The trend towards personalization in consumer goods has boosted interest in custom-printed products.


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Toy-related content accounts for 2% of top videos in the small business category. It gets 52.7 million views and 26.2 million likes on TikTok. The platform’s playful nature aligns perfectly with toy demonstrations and reviews. The platform’s algorithm favors entertaining content, making toy videos highly engaging and shareable and benefitting small toy businesses.


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Fashion small businesses occupy 6% of top videos in TikTok, attracting 47.4 million views. The platform’s visual format helps in showcasing clothing and style tips. TikTok’s trend-driven nature and predominantly young user base make it a perfect match for emerging fashion brands and boutiques.


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Kitchenware businesses claim 3% of top small business videos, generating 45.6 million views. TikTok’s short-form content is perfect for showcasing innovative kitchen gadgets and tools. The rise of home cooking trends has increased interest in kitchenware. This results in the profitability of small businesses that are dealing with kitchenware.


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The soap-making business represents 3% of top videos in TikTok, accumulating 24.1 million views. This visual platform is ideal for demonstrating the soap-making process and the final products. The trend towards natural and handmade personal care items has fueled interest in artisanal soaps, boosting small soap businesses.

Graphic Design

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Graphic design businesses account for 1% of top videos when it comes to small businesses. It has generated 22.3 million views and gained more than 20 million likes. The creative community of TikTok appreciates design content, from logo reveals to illustration processes. The platform’s visual nature allows designers to showcase their skills and attract potential clients effectively.


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Gardening-related content claims 1% of top small business videos, accumulating 21.3 million views on TikTok. The format of this platform is perfect for sharing quick gardening tips and showcasing plant growth. The increasing interest in home gardening and houseplants has created opportunities for small plant-related businesses on the platform.


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Small businesses related to wellness represent 1% of top videos in TikTok, garnering 18.5 million views. The short-form content on this platform is ideal for sharing wellness tips and doing product demonstrations. The growing focus on health and self-care has influenced the demand for wellness products and services.


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Ceramic businesses account for 1% of top small business videos, gaining 18.4 million views. The visual platform of TikTok helps in showing the pottery-making process and final products. The trend towards handmade and artisanal home goods has elevated interest in ceramic, aiding in the small pottery business.


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Crochet-related content represents 2% of top videos, generating 17.5 million views. TikTok helps creators share their crochet tutorials and showcase finished products. The resurgence of interest in handcrafts has developed opportunities for small crochet businesses on this platform.


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Candle-making businesses claim 1% of top videos in TikTok, accumulating 16.2 million views. The visual nature allows for effective showcasing of the candle-making process and scent descriptions. The trend towards home aromatherapy and self-care has resulted in increased demand for artisanal candles, benefiting this business.


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Small businesses that deal in packing-related content account for 2% of top videos, generating 10.8 million views. TikTok is a great platform where creators can demonstrate unique packaging solutions with the aid of short-form content. They can also convey their unboxing experience. The focus on eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing packages has created scope for this small business.


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Craft businesses represent 2% of top small business videos in TikTok, gaining 8.5 million views. The creative community on this platform enjoys DIY content and handmade items. Creators show their craft business and products. This appeals to users interested in unique, handcrafted goods.

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