25 Trends Set to Dominate 2024 In Travel

A new year means new ways to travel and have adventures. Let’s look at 25 big travel trends for 2024.

Growing Automatic Bookings

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More people are booking trips online or using apps. Online travel bookings will be big, valued at $699 billion in 2023, and an expected 9.7% CAGR starting in 2024. To get more people to book, it’s important to show ads where they are already looking online.

Mobile Bookings

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Phones are becoming the favorite way to book trips. Most people book on their phones within 48 hours after looking for a trip. To make the most of this, ads need to grab attention.

Personalized Experiences

Two happy woman making selfie on background of Reichstag Bundestag building in Berlin. Travel and love concept in Europe
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Travelers these days want trips that feel special to them. When planning trips, they like it based on their preferences and past experiences. Ads that change based on the traveler’s interests can provide this personal touch.

Bigger Bleisure Trips

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Bleisure trips, where people mix business travel with fun, are becoming more popular. Travelers might extend a work trip or bring their family. This is an excellent chance to suggest fun things to do nearby. These suggestions can convince travelers to stay longer for a vacation.

Sustainable Tourism

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Travelers who care about the environment want eco-friendly trips. They look for places like eco-resorts and volunteer programs that help the planet. Travel companies must show how sustainable they are.

More Transformational Journeys

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Trips that improve wellness and personal growth are still popular. Yoga retreats, cultural trips, and outdoor adventures are in demand. These experiences suit the mind and body and appeal to many people. Travel companies should offer different kinds of trips for other interests.

Luxury Train Travel Surges

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Fancy train trips, like the Grand Canyon Railway, give travelers memorable experiences. There are more and more options for luxury train travel.

Uneven Airfare and Hotel Prices

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Hotel prices are likely to keep going up around the world in 2024. But they might get cheaper after significant increases during the pandemic. Airfare might stay pretty much the same because airlines have to pay a lot for fuel and staff.

Expedition Cruising Takes Off

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Small ship cruises to unique places interest more people. These places are different from those visited by giant cruise ships. New itineraries offer deep travel experiences. They go to places like the Poles and different cultures.

Private Group Travel Continues

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Trips with family and friends are still popular. Custom trips let groups have unique experiences together. These trips take place in amazing places like Tuscany or Patagonia.

Plan-Free Travel on the Rise

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More people are traveling without planning everything in advance. Services that offer surprise trips make it easy to be spontaneous. Travelers find out where they’re going at the last minute.

Frontier Destinations Trend

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Adventurous travelers are visiting less-known places, from the Arctic to the Atacama Desert. Some join rare trips in the Congo, while others explore remote parts of Peru.

Silent Travel for Resetting

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Trips where people can be quiet and take a break from technology are becoming more popular. These trips offer a chance to relax and be peaceful without the constant noise of phones.

Skipping High Season

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More people are traveling during off-peak times to avoid high prices and crowds. Families, especially, can travel at these times. The times before and after the busy season in Europe and other places are getting more popular. They offer fewer crowds and better deals.

Private Airlines Take Off

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Travelers who want luxury are choosing private flights more. They like the exclusivity, flexibility, and reliability. Companies like Jet Edge, NetJets, and XO are adding special features. These include private lounges and custom food.

Next-Gen Lodging Options

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New kinds of places to stay are popping up, from tiny house resorts to apartment hotels with kitchens. Even transparent luxury bubbles in nature are an option for adventurous travelers.

LGBTQ+ Travel Gets More Focus

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More travel companies are catering to LGBTQ+ travelers. They highlight LGBTQ+-friendly businesses and events like Pride celebrations.

Wellness Retreats Boom

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Travelers who want to relax and take care of themselves often choose longer wellness retreats. These retreats offer fitness boot camps and spiritual healing. They help people reset.

Next-Level Touring

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Travelers are looking for deep, local experiences with insider access. Small group tours allow for a closer connection with the places they visit.

Multigenerational Trips Increase

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Trips with the whole family, including grandparents, are becoming more common. Places like villas, cruises, and tours make it easy for families of all ages to have fun together. Often, grandparents are paying for these trips.

Travel with Remote Work

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People who work are staying longer in places. They bring their laptops and work from anywhere. This kind of slow travel lets them get to know a place more than a short visit would.

AI Companion

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AI is being used more in travel. For example, it’s used for real-time translation, providing personalized suggestions, and solving problems while traveling. But there are worries about privacy, job losses, and depending too much on technology.

Hotel Restaurants Expand

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Famous people who run restaurants are opening hotels. This means travelers can expect great food and drinks right where they stay. New hotels by Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons, and Orient Express are getting much attention.

Wilderness Wows

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Fancy outdoor meals in nature are becoming a thing. They use ingredients found in the wild, cook on open fires, and have top chefs. It’s a mix of fine dining and connecting with nature.

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