Eliminate These 15 Items for $2000+ Annual Savings

Sticking to a budget at the grocery store can feel like a constant battle. One simple strategy is to swap expensive ingredients for cheaper alternatives. For example, cut down on pre-packaged foods and cook meals at home. You could save money by avoiding the overpriced items. Supermarkets use tactics to make you spend more, but skipping these items could slash your food bill in half.

Toilet paper

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Instead of buying toilet paper, invest in a bidet attachment for your toilet. It’s a one-time cost that will save you money in the long run.

If not, shop bulk for items like bamboo toilet paper, which is more eco-friendly and cost-effective. By making these changes, you can save around $5000 a year.

Bottled water

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Bottled water can cost over $1 each, while tap water is much cheaper. Switching from bottled water to tap water can save you hundreds of dollars annually.

You can also consider investing in a home water filtration system instead of buying bottled water. Using a water pitcher filter is another way to save $240 per year.

Packed snacks

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Convenience snack packs can cost hundreds of dollars annually. Buying snacks in bulk can be wasteful; they might get rancid before you finish them.

Instead, go for cost-effective and homemade options such as air-popped popcorn, fresh fruit, or homemade trail mix. These can save you a couple hundred dollars a year.

Popular brand products

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You can save $1,500 annually by choosing generic or store-brand products. These products often have similar quality but cost much less. For example, many cereals from different brands are made by the same manufacturers but at different prices. By switching to store brands, you could save around 40% on your grocery bill.

 Baked products

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To save money on baked goods, look for items from the previous day at the grocery store. These might include bread, bagels, or muffins that are still tasty but discounted by 50%. This simple swap can help you cut your baked goods budget in half when you shop at the grocery store.

Readymade coffee

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Brewing your coffee at home can save you money compared to buying coffee from shops. Invest in a good coffee maker and save around $1,000 every year.

Pre-cut fruits and vegetables

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Buying pre-cut fruits and veggies costs more than buying whole ones. For instance, pre-cut melon is pricier than a whole one. It’s cheaper to buy the whole fruit and cut it yourself. If you can’t finish it all, chop it and freeze it for smoothies later.

Prepackaged fresh herbs

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Small plastic-wrapped herb packets can be purchased in the refrigerated vegetable department, but they are not ideal. Packages of herbs in plastic may be there for a while, and the plastic adds to landfill waste. Moreover, they’re often overpriced. Farmers markets offer fresher herbs in larger quantities at better prices. Another option is to grow your own herbs in a container or in a yard.

Fancy Condiments

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To improve your cooking without breaking the bank, stick to basic condiments. Fancy condiments such as gourmet mustards or imported mayonnaises may appear appealing. However, they are expensive. Local markets or specialized stores provide such condiments at a lower cost.

Packed baby food

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Homemade baby food is cheaper than store-bought options.

It’s easy to make baby food at home using fresh ingredients. You can control what goes into your baby’s food with a broader range of flavors and textures. Homemade baby food is also fresher and more nutritious since it undergoes no processing.

Carbonated drinks

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Carbonated drinks, like sodas, can be expensive at the store. Instead of purchasing famous brands, look for generic or store-brand choices to save money. Another cheaper choice is sparkling water. These alternatives can be more budget-friendly.

Pre-shredded cheese

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Pre-shredded cheese contains additives like cellulose, made from wood pulp, which can affect its performance in recipes. Grating your own cheese from a block yields more volume compared to pre-shredded packs of the same weight. So, you get better quality and quantity at the same price as shredded cheese.

Spray cleaner

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You can buy spray cleaner for $3 or $5. Often, spray cleaners have the same ingredients, such as ammonia, in fancier packaging. Save the spray bottle, clean it, and refill it when empty.

Pre-made meal

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Cooking large portions of homemade casseroles, soups, and stews during the weekend can save money and time during the week. By making these meals, you can save around $200 per month.

Disposable paper towels

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People are switching from regular paper towels to reusable ones made from flannel. They’re durable, wash well, and save money in the long run. One set can replace many rolls of paper towels and thereby save money.

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