12 Drinks You Should Never Purchase for Heart Health

Caring for your heart is important for living a long and healthy life. One way to do this is by being mindful of what you drink. Some drinks, even those that seem harmless, can be bad for your heart. For example, sweetened drinks and other beverages have high amounts of sugar, which can increase the risk of heart disease.

Based on a study report published by the Anatolian Journal of Cardiology, we’ve compiled a list of drinks that are not good for your heart health. We’ll explain how the consumption of these drinks may affect your heart muscles and many more.

Sugary Sodas

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Sugary sodas are one of the worst drinks for heart health. They are packed with sugar, often containing about 39 grams (around 10 teaspoons) of sugar in just one can.

Drinking these regularly can lead to weight gain, which is a major risk factor for heart disease. A study from the American Heart Association found that people who drink one or more sugary sodas daily are 20% more likely to have a heart attack. Additionally, these drinks can increase blood sugar levels, leading to diabetes, which further increases the risk of heart problems.

Energy Drinks

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According to a study report published by the Journal of American Heart Association, consuming just one or two energy drinks can increase blood pressure and heart rate, raising the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Energy drinks (Red Bull and Monster) are popular for their quick boost of energy, but they can be very harmful to your heart. These drinks are high in caffeine and other stimulants. For example, a single can of Monster Energy contains 160 milligrams of caffeine, which equals four cans of soda.

Fruit Juices with Added Sugar

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Fruit juices with added sugar may seem healthy, but they can harm your heart. These drinks often have as much sugar as sodas. For example, many stores bought apple and orange juices containing extra sugar to make them taste sweeter. This added sugar can cause weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease. Even juices labeled “natural” or “no added sugar” can still be high in natural sugars, which can have a similar effect on your heart health.

Alcoholic Cocktails

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Alcoholic cocktails, like margaritas, piña coladas, and mojitos, are often high in both alcohol and sugar. This combination can be bad for your heart. The alcohol can raise your blood pressure, while the added sugars increase your risk of weight gain and heart disease. For instance, a typical margarita can contain between 15 to 30 grams of sugar, and that is way higher than the recommended daily intake for adults.

Sweetened Ice Tea

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Sweetened iced tea might seem refreshing, but it’s often loaded with sugars that are bad for your heart. Many brands, like Lipton and Snapple, add a lot of sugar to make the tea taste sweet. This extra sugar causes obesity and an increased risk of heart disease. Drinking sweetened iced tea regularly can raise your blood sugar levels and put extra strain on your heart.

Sports Drinks

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These drinks are often marketed as healthy for active people, but they can be bad for your heart. These drinks, like Gatorade and Powerade, usually contain high amounts of sugar and salt. A regular 20-ounce bottle of Gatorade contains approximately 34 grams of sugar, which equates to almost 9 teaspoons. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics study report, these sports drinks are flavored beverages that are not good for children’s and adolescents’ health. The high sodium content in sports drinks can raise BP, and further cause heart problems.

Coffee with Added Sugar and Creamers

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Coffee can be healthy, but adding sugar and creamers can pose a risk to heart health. A typical flavored latte from popular coffee shops can have up to 50 grams of sugar. This is way more than the daily limit  recommended by the American Heart Association (25 g for females, 36 g for males). These sugars then cause obesity, diabetes etc. Regularly consuming such drinks can significantly impact your heart health.


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Milkshakes, though delicious, can be very unhealthy for your heart. A typical milkshake can have over 500 calories and up to 20 grams of fat, much of which is saturated fat. These fats increase your cholesterol levels, leading to heart disease. For example, a large chocolate milkshake from a fast-food restaurant can contain around 80 grams of sugar, which is double the daily recommended limit.

Diet Soda

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Diet sodas are often marketed as a healthier alternative to regular sodas because they have no or low calories. However, they contain artificial sweeteners like aspartame, saccharin, or sucralose, which can harm your heart. As per studies, people consuming diet sodas daily have a higher risk of heart disease. Popular diet sodas like Diet Coke and Pepsi Zero Sugar may seem like good choices, but they can contribute to heart issues over time.

Pre-made Smoothies

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Pre-made smoothies might seem healthy, but many contain hidden sugars and fats. A typical 16-ounce bottle can contain over 50 g  sugar. For example, a strawberry banana smoothie has 54 grams of sugar and 320 calories. This high sugar content can lead to weight gain and increased risk of heart disease. To keep your heart healthy, it’s better to make smoothies at home, using fresh fruits and no added sugars.

Sweetened Lemonade

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Many store-bought lemonades contain a lot of added sugar. For example, a 12-ounce serving of a popular brand of lemonade can have about 38 grams of sugar, which is almost 10 teaspoons. Consuming high amounts of sugar regularly can lead to weight gain, higher blood pressure, and increased risk of heart disease. Drinking sweetened lemonades can quickly push you over the recommended limit, making them a poor choice for heart health.

Creamy Hot Chocolate

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Creamy hot chocolate might seem comforting, but it’s often loaded with sugar and fat, making it harmful for your heart. A typical serving has around 400 calories, with over 30 g sugar and 20 g fat. For example, a large cup from a popular chain like Starbucks can have even higher amounts, contributing to weight gain and increased cholesterol levels. This high intake of sugar and fat can clog arteries and cause high BP, both of which are major risk factors for heart problems.

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