When it comes to choosing a dog, many factors come into play, including temperament, energy levels, and compatibility with your lifestyle. While dogs can be wonderful companions, some breeds might not be the best fit for close-knit neighborhoods. Certain breeds of dogs can be loud and aggressive, which can lead to noise complaints and strained relationships with neighbors. If you’re considering getting a dog, knowing what breeds to avoid is important. Here is a list of eleven dogs that will make your neighbors hate you.
Akitas are Japanese dogs used for guarding and hunting. They are large dogs with thick coats and can weigh as much as 130lb. Their size and strength can intimidate your neighbors, especially if they are not properly contained within their yard.
Akitas are territorial and can be aggressive towards other humans and dogs. They require extensive socialization from a young age to curb their aggressive tendencies, but even well-trained Akitas may exhibit territorial behaviors like barking at passersby or charging at fences separating properties. This will not bode well with neighbors who can get into trouble with the dog.
Alaskan Malamute
Often confused for Siberian huskies, Alaskan Malamutes are large Arctic dogs that weigh around 85 pounds and are 25 inches tall. They are incredibly powerful and were used to scare polar bears and pull heavy sleds.
Alaskan Malamutes can be aggressive towards unfamiliar dogs, which can lead to confrontations in the neighborhood. Their natural inclination to howl, especially when left alone or bored, can annoy your neighbors and disrupt peace in the neighborhood.
Malamutes also require lots of physical and mental exercise; without it, they may resort to destructive behaviors, such as digging or escaping, resulting in property damage or conflicts with neighbors.
Border Collie
Border Collies are dogs of Anglo-Scottish origin. They were bred to protect livestock from predators. They are extremely intelligent and require both physical and mental stimulation. Border Collies can weigh up to 55 lbs and grow up to 21 inches.
This breed is also prone to developing protective behaviors, such as barking at strangers or other dogs, which can escalate into aggressive displays if not correctly managed. They also chase after people or vehicles, further aggravating neighbors. Additionally, if a Border Collie becomes bored, it may resort to digging or chewing, disrupting the peace in a neighborhood.
Dachshunds are known for their sausage-like bodies. They were used to chase and flush out animals like rabbits, badgers, and even foxes. Dachshunds can weigh up to 32 lbs and are 9 inches tall.
Dachshunds can make your neighbors hate you, mainly because of their tendency to bark at anything that moves, from passing cars to pedestrians, leading to constant noise complaints. Their strong hunting instincts can also result in them digging, especially if they catch a scent of something interesting. Despite their small size, Dachshunds can exhibit aggressive behaviors if not properly socialized, such as barking or growling at strangers or other dogs.
Cane Corso
Cane Corso is an Italian-origin dog famously used as war dogs in ancient Rome. These are large dogs and can weigh up to 110 lbs and stand as tall as 27.5 inches.
They have strong protective instincts and can be aggressive toward strangers, especially if they see them as a threat to their territory or family. Cane Corsos require extensive obedience training from a young age to curb their natural guarding behaviors, but even when well-trained, they may exhibit territorial barking or charging at fences when they see passersby. Your neighbors might also find them intimidating due to their size.
Tibetan Mastiff
As the name suggests, Tibetan Mastiffs are of Tibetan origin. They are large, furry dogs with thick coats. They can weigh up to 150 lbs and grow up to 26 inches high.
Bred as livestock guardians, Tibetan Mastiffs are naturally protective and can be aggressive towards strangers. These dogs are primarily active during the nights and early mornings, causing disruptions in the neighborhood. They have a deep, booming bark that can annoy your neighbors. They also try to assert dominance over other dogs and can get into fights with your neighbor’s dogs.
Without proper training and socialization, a Tibetan Mastiff may view any unfamiliar person or animal as a potential threat, leading to territorial behavior that can be intimidating.
Tosa Inu
Tosa Inu is a rare Japanese-origin dog bred as a fighting dog. They are a dangerous breed, and their ownership is restricted in many countries. They can be as heavy as 200 lbs and grow up to 23 inches high.
Having this dog can be a sure-shot way to make your neighbors hate you. Not only can they be aggressive towards other pets, but they are also unsuitable around small children.
Their size and strength demand experienced handling, and without proper training and socialization, they may act unpredictably, causing fear among neighbors.
Presa Canario
Presa Canario is a Spanish breed dog from the Canary Islands. It can weigh up to 110 lbs and grow up to 26 inches high.
Your neighbors will be wary of a Presa and might even hate you for owning the dog. Originally bred as working and guard dogs, Presa Canarios are known for their protective instincts and need training and socialization from a young age; otherwise, they tend to exhibit aggressive behaviors, such as lunging, growling, or barking at passersby or unfamiliar people approaching their territory. Their intimidating size and lack of obedience training can lead to conflicts with neighbors who feel threatened or disturbed by the dog’s behavior.
The Chihuahua is a Mexican-origin dog and the smallest dog breed in the world. It weighs less than 6 lbs and is not taller than 8 inches.
Despite their size, Chihuahuas exhibit a big-dog attitude, barking and being aggressive. Their constant yapping can become a nuisance, especially in close living quarters like apartments. Additionally, Chihuahuas tend to whine and bark out of boredom or anxiety when left alone, further contributing to noise disturbances. Their territorial and aggressive behavior can lead them to bark at neighbors or visitors, creating an atmosphere of tension and discomfort among your neighbors.
Great Dane
The Great Dane is a large German-origin dog that descends from the hunting dogs used to hunt bears and wild boars in the past. It is one of the world’s largest dogs, weighing up to 175 lbs, and grows up to 32 inches high.
Great Danes can be surprisingly gentle, but their extremely large size and excessive barking might scare and annoy your neighbors. Owners need to physically train these dogs and socialize them from an early age; otherwise, they may end up with aggressive or anxious dogs that jump on people or display territorial behavior, further antagonizing neighbors.
Bull Terrier
Bull Terriers were historically used in bloodsports and are among the strongest dogs. They can weigh up to 70 lbs and grow to 22 inches high.
Your neighbors might find them intimidating due to their muscular appearance. They are aggressive dogs and can be confrontational towards strangers and other pets. Bull Terriers are very active and bark loudly to assert dominance. They are also not good pets around small children or toddlers because they tend to engage in rough play.