14 Job Search Secrets Every Job Seeker Should Know

Finding the perfect job can be challenging and time-consuming. Job seekers often face numerous obstacles, from crafting an ideal resume to navigating portals and attending interviews. Here are some proven strategies to give you an edge in your job search.

Enhance Your Online Presence

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In the digital age, professionals need to create a well-crafted LinkedIn profile. A high-quality photo, a compelling headline, and highlighting achievements are crucial components for catching the attention of potential employers.

However, LinkedIn isn’t the only one. Studies show that 92% of companies use social media for hiring outside LinkedIn. That means you should also work on creating a strong online presence on other social media channels.

Tailor Your Resume for Job Description

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Highlighting your skills and experiences per the job description increases your chances of selection. A report by Glassdoor reveals that 55% of recruiters think the biggest mistake job seekers make on their resumes is not tailoring their resume to the specific job they are applying for.


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A strong network can open doors to many opportunities, referrals, and valuable career guidance. Participating in industry events, whether virtual or in-person, offers a platform to make meaningful connections.

According to Novoresume, one of the biggest reasons networking is beneficial is that 70% of the jobs are not even advertised on job websites, and 85% of the vacancies are filled via referrals.

Compelling Cover Letter

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A well-crafted cover letter complements a resume. You can use it to address specific qualifications, express enthusiasm for the role, and align with the company’s values.  Resume Genius conducted a survey, and found 94% of hiring managers think cover letters are influential when deciding who to interview. If you aren’t including a personalized cover letter, you are leaving the opportunity on the table.

Use Job Portals Effectively

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In a sea of job postings, effective navigation is critical. Job portals like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn offer many opportunities every single day. As a job seeker, you should learn to use advanced filters, setting up job alerts, and optimizing your profile for the right keywords

Build a Diverse Skill Set

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Job markets are evolving at a faster pace, and so should your skill set. Constant upskilling is the need of the hour. Acquiring skills relevant to your industry through online courses, workshops, and certifications enhances your professional profile. You can use portals like Skillshare, Coursera, Google Certifications, etc to find relevant courses.

Create a Professional Portfolio

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If you work in an industry that requires a portfolio or can have one, you should spend time and money to build it. For example, you should include diverse work in your portfolio to demonstrate your versatility and adaptability.

Showcase projects that align with the job you’re seeking but also highlight other relevant skills and experiences. If applicable, include client testimonials or endorsements from colleagues and supervisors to validate your skills and work ethic.

Consistency in design and messaging across your portfolio and other online profiles, such as LinkedIn, leaves a lasting impression.

Conversations That Shape Your Job Applications

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Before applying for a job, consider contacting employees at your desired companies to conduct informational interviews. This involves getting an insider’s perspective on the company’s culture, challenges, and team dynamics.

You can find potential contacts through LinkedIn, mutual connections, or industry events. When reaching out, be clear about your intentions and respectful of their time. Prepare thoughtful questions about the role and the company’s culture.

Follow Up After Applications

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Applying is just the first step; follow-up is equally crucial. In a competitive job market, following up shows initiative and keeps you at the forefront of the employer’s mind, potentially tipping the scales in your favor.

Research The Company

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Beyond job responsibilities and qualifications, understanding a company’s culture is paramount. Investigating their website, reading employee reviews, and exploring their social media presence offer insights into working for a particular organization. You can use this information to tailor cover letters, resumes, portfolios, etc.

Unsurprisingly, 50% of job seekers don’t get a job offer because they lack knowledge about the company where they’re applying for the job.

Set Realistic Salary Expectations

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Researching salary ranges specific to your desired role, industry, and location is essential. It helps to ascertain that you’re not undervaluing your skills or setting expectations too high. Industry reports, online resources, and networking conversations with professionals in your field can provide valuable insights into compensation packages.

It will help you make informed decisions about job offers, ensuring they align with your financial goals and expectations.

Stay Updated on Industry Trends

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Staying informed about the latest developments in your industry is more than a professional courtesy; it’s a strategic move. Reading industry publications, attending webinars, and joining professional groups keep you abreast of emerging trends.

This proactive approach showcases your commitment to ongoing professional development and positions you as someone who brings relevant and up-to-date knowledge to the table.

Proofread Your Application

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As many as 77% of recruiters see grammatical mistakes and typos as dealbreakers. Even if you were the perfect match for the job, a minute error in your application can set you back in the career.

Don’t Use An Unprofessional Email Address

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Coodude@xyz was cool when you were young, but if you use the same for professional applications, you will be left broken and without a job. As many as 35% of recruiters think unprofessional emails are a dealbreaker.

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