12 Signs That Reveal a Highly Insecure Person

Even if someone seems confident, they might be hiding their insecurities underneath. Insecurity can appear in various ways and affect someone’s behavior and social interaction. In this post we’ll explore 12 common signs of a highly insecure person.

No Eye-Contact

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Avoiding eye contact can indicate that someone is feeling very insecure. They may fear judgment or lack confidence. Not making eye contact allows them to hide these feelings, as they are afraid to show them. It’s as if they are trying to protect themselves from feeling even more insecure.

Difficulty Accepting Compliments

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An insecure person struggles to believe in positive compliments about themselves. It is because they lack self-confidence and belief in their worthiness. For example, if you compliment an insecure person, they might respond with disbelief or self-deprecation. Unable to internalize the praise due to low self-esteem and self-doubt.

Pretending not to care

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People who constantly claim that they don’t care about others’ opinions or actions might be afraid to be affected by them. This is a defense mechanism to protect themselves from potential rejection or criticism.

Dismissing Other People’s Excitement

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Insecure individuals might struggle to genuinely celebrate others’ successes. They perceive them as a reflection of their shortcomings, consistently downplaying their friends’ achievements or good news. This may stem from feeling threatened by their happiness or success. They do so to maintain a sense of superiority or cover their insecurities.

Being Mean To Others

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Sometimes, people are mean to others because they feel bad about themselves. They might bully others to feel more powerful or in control. Someone who bullies classmates because they don’t feel good about themselves. They might feel a sense of relief by making others feel bad.

Constant Comparison on Social Media

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Comparing yourself to others on social media might mean you’re not confident. It shows you rely on others to feel good about yourself. When you keep checking others’ posts for likes and comments, feeling bad for yourself.

Difficulty Setting Boundaries

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Difficulty setting boundaries reflects a fear of asserting one’s needs or desires. It often stems from a fear of rejection or displeasing others, for example, constantly saying yes to others’ requests, even when it inconveniences them. They might fear saying no because they worry about upsetting others.

Constant Need For Approval

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If you always need others to say you’re good enough, you might not feel good about yourself. Constantly asking for approval can mean you’re scared of making decisions alone. It shows you don’t trust yourself and worry about what others might say.

Being Overly Apologetic

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People who apologize excessively fear upsetting others or facing negative judgment. For instance, someone might repeatedly apologize for minor mistakes, such as accidentally breaking something. This is because they worry about appearing clumsy or incompetent.

Being Obsessed With Material Things

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Being obsessed with material things can show that a person feels insecure. They might constantly need expensive things or to show them off. It might also mean they don’t feel good enough on their own. They might be seeking validation from others to feel better about themselves. Their obsession with material things could be a way of covering up their insecurities and trying to feel more important.


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Hyper-aggressiveness is often a defense mechanism to hide feelings of vulnerability. For example, someone who frequently puts others down or picks fights may be compensating for their insecurities. They fear others seeing them as weak, so they overcompensate by projecting dominance.

Never Apologizing

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A highly insecure person may avoid apologizing. They fear admitting fault could lead to rejection or criticism. Someone who never apologizes for mistakes at work might fear it will make them look bad. They might worry it’ll show they’re not good at their job or worthy.

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