17 Dog Breeds Known for Their Mischievous Ways

Adopting a dog is fantastic unless you pick a difficult-to-control breed. They will chew on your furniture, or even worse, prevent guests from entering your house and not listen to anything you say. Today, we will talk about 17 dog breeds infamous for their naughty behavior. As a first-time pet parent, you might want to avoid picking these.

Japanese Spitz

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These adorable white puffs are known for their loyalty and alertness. However,  they can also be quite barkers. They have a high prey drive and might chase small animals. They are big on chewing. They can also be stubborn and require consistent training.


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Huskies can be pretty naughty. It is because of their strong independent streak and higher energy levels. They love running wild, chewing on anything they can get hold of, and randomly howling (or singing). They are super intelligent but equally stubborn and independent thinkers. Their mischievous and energetic nature can be a handful for inexperienced dog owners.


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This mixed breed can inherit traits from the Bichon Frise and Shih Tzu.  Bichon Frises are known for being gentle and intelligent companions. Meanwhile, Shih Tzus can be a bit more stubborn and independent.  Overall, Shichons are on the easier side to train. Giving them early socialization is essential to prevent any potential small-dog syndrome issues.


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These herding dogs are energetic, intelligent, and can be quite vocal.  They are not inherently aggressive. However, they can be wary of strangers and require proper socialization.  Their herding instincts might also lead to nipping or heel-driving behaviors. With good training, one can prevent this over-protectiveness.


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Cockapoo is a popular designer mix. It inherits a variety of traits from its Poodle and Cocker Spaniel parents.  Poodles are known for their intelligence and trainability. Meanwhile, Cocker Spaniels can be more energetic and prone to barking.  Overall, Cockapoos tend to be intelligent and playful companions. Proper training is still important to manage their energy levels and barking tendencies.

Wirehaired Vizsla

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This Vizsla variation is loved for its wiry coat over regular Vizlas. However, their energy and athleticism are no way less than the parent.  They are intelligent and loyal dogs. However, their high energy levels require significant exercise and mental stimulation.  Without enough activity, they can become bored and destructive.  Therefore, early socialization is important to prevent any potential wariness from strangers.


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This mix of Chihuahua and Pug can be a firecracker in a small package.  While adorable, they can inherit stubborn streaks from both parent breeds.  Chihuahuas can be yappy and territorial, while Pugs can be willful and independent.  Chugs are prone to having small-dog syndrome. Hence, consistent training and socialization are crucial to curb it.


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Poochons are a Bichon Frise and Poodle mix. They are famous for their intelligence and trainability.  However, their Poodle heritage can also mean high energy levels. Therefore, requires a lot of exercise and mental stimulation.  They might also inherit some stubbornness from the Bichon Frise side.  Overall, with proper training and activity, they can be wonderful companions.

Welsh Terrier

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These feisty terriers are known for their independent personalities and strong prey drives.  They are not typically aggressive towards humans. At the same time, they can be stubborn and require a firm but fair hand in training.  This makes early socialization very important for them. Otherwise, they can develop potential aggression towards other dogs or small animals.


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Keeshonds are generally friendly and outgoing. which is why they are nicknamed the “Smiling Dutchman”.   That said, they can be quite vocal and might bark at strangers or noises.  Consistent training and socialization can help curb any excessive barking.  Their intelligence makes them trainable, but they can also be stubborn.

English Springer Spaniel

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These energetic and playful dogs are known for their love of exercise and the outdoors. They are not typically aggressive. However, their mouthy nature requires training to avoid chewing tendencies. They are pretty eager to get trained. However, their high energy levels need an outlet through exercise and mental stimulation.


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This popular mix of Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Poodle is popular for being gentle, affectionate, and intelligent. They are generally not aggressive. Still, they can be prone to separation anxiety if left alone for long periods. With early training and socialization, you can prevent any potential small-dog syndrome issues.


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Goldadors are a mix of Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever. These friendly giants inherit the best traits of both parents.  They are intelligent, eager to please, and generally not aggressive.  Their playful nature and large size might come off as hyperactive behavior. Hence, proper training and exercise are a must.  Goldadors have a strong retrieving instinct, which can cause chewing or obsessive fetching.

Dogue de Bordeaux

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These dogs are massive and powerful. Though they are known for their loyalty and gentle nature with family. Their guarding instincts can make them wary of strangers. Hence, early socialization and training are a must to prevent any potential dominance or aggression. Plus their size requires a very experienced owner who can handle them effectively.


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This mix of Border Collie and Labrador Retriever combines intelligence, energy, and a strong work ethic.  They are not inherently aggressive. if not trained well, their herding instincts can cause nipping or heel-driving behaviours. Both parent breeds are highly energetic. Meaning Boradors need a good amount of physical and mental stimulation to stay happy.

Lhasa Apso

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These longhaired charmers are known for their alert personalities and loyalty.  However, they can be quite stubborn and independent, requiring consistent training and patience.  Early socialization is important. It helps them from becoming overly wary or aggressive towards strangers.  Their thick coats require regular grooming to prevent matting.


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These sausage-shaped dogs are known for their big personalities and playful nature. However, their independent streak and dachshund digging instincts can be a challenge. They might be stubborn and require firm but fair training.  Early socialization is also important to prevent any potential aggression towards other dogs.

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