13 America’s Best Presidents in History

The United States of America has seen 46 presidencies to date. The first presidential election was held in 1789. Since then, there have been many debates and polls regarding the best US president.

Surveys by the American Political Science Association or popular polls, such as Siena Poll, C-Span Poll, and Gallup Poll, are some of the most important ones. Here, we have made a chronological list of the most popular U.S. presidents of all time.

George Washington (Term: 1789-1797)

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As the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt left a lasting impact on American politics, society, and conservation efforts. He introduced certain rules and regulations for fair competition in the market.

His governance was also sympathetic to labor rights. He was lovingly known as Teddy Roosevelt. The C-Span Poll of 2021 ranked him fourth overall in popularity.

Abraham Lincoln (Term: 1861-1865)

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Abraham Lincoln has been voted the most popular president in the U.S. in multiple surveys. Over a hundred historians participated in the 2021 C-Span Poll and ranked Lincoln as number 1.

Lincoln had led the nation during the turbulent American Civil War. He is mainly remembered for his bold stance regarding slavery. He continued his presidency until his assassination in 1865.

Theodore Roosevelt (Term:1901-1909)

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As the 26th President of the United States, Theodore Roosevelt left a lasting impact on American politics, society, and conservation efforts. He introduced certain rules and regulations for fair competition in the market.

His governance was sympathetic towards labor rights as well. He was lovingly known as Teddy Roosevelt. The C-Span Poll of 2021 ranked him at number 4 based on overall popularity.

Franklin D. Roosevelt (Term: 1933-1945)

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Franklin D. Roosevelt was commonly known as FDR and he served as the 32nd president of the United States. He is famous for his leadership during two of the most challenging periods in American history: the Great Depression and World War II.

He is the only president in the U.S. serving more than two terms. C-Span Poll ranked Franklin D. Roosevelt the 3rd most popular president in their survey while the Siena Poll of 2022 ranked him at number 1.

Dwight D. Eisenhower (Term: 1953-1961)

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Dwight David Eisenhower played a major role during World War II. He called himself a ‘Progressive Conservative’.

As president, he placed special importance on building alliances and enhancing national security. He ranks number 5 on the C-Span Poll of 2021 and number 6 on the Siena Poll of 2022.

John F. Kennedy (Term: 1961-1963)

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The Gallup Poll of 2021 declared John F. Kennedy the most popular president in the U.S. According to this poll, around 90% of U.S. adults approve of Kennedy’s work as president.

Kennedy dealt with the difficult times of the Cold War. He made essential changes in the government’s foreign policy and civil rights. He started groups like the Peace Corps and Food for Peace for social good. Kennedy also pushed for space exploration and worked on nuclear peace.

Richard Nixon (Term: 1969-1974)

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Richard Nixon served two terms as president of the United States. However, he was the only president to resign from office. In many popularity polls, Nixon’s popularity has decreased over time because of the Watergate scandal.

As president, Nixon worked on the country’s foreign policies and environmental protection laws. He also reformed social welfare plans and civil rights.

Ronald Reagan (Term: 1981-1989)

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Ronald Reagan is widely regarded as one of the most influential presidents of the 20th century. He launched a famous Reaganomics agenda to reform the U.S. government’s economic policies. He took the initiative to end the Cold War. In the Gallup Poll of 2021, people chose Reagan as the 2nd most popular U.S. president, right after Kennedy.

George H.W. Bush (Term: 1989-1993)

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According to the Gallup Poll of 2021, George H. W. Bush is the 3rd most popular president of the United States. He managed the end of the Cold War with a diplomatic approach. He led the Gulf War and established the country’s military strength.

Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) into law in 1990 creating a space for equal access. Many historians and scholars criticize Bush’s foreign policies and military programs. Still, he remains one of the most popular U.S. presidents with 66% of people’s approval.

Bill Clinton (Term: 1993-2001)

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Bill Clinton is particularly famous for leading the economic expansion of the ‘90s. He introduced significant healthcare changes, like the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Clinton also passed welfare reform, known as the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act. The Gallup Poll declared Clinton as the 5th most popular U.S. president with 58% public approval.

George W. Bush (Term: 2001-2009)

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George W. Bush was the 43rd president of the United States. The dreadful 9/11 terrorist attacks of 2001 happened during his presidency. In response, W. Bush launched the ‘War on Terror’ program leading to Iraq’s occupation in 2003. He established the Department of Homeland Security and began the ‘No Child Left Behind’ campaign. Even with much criticism, W. Bush happens to be the 7th most popular U.S. president with 57% of people’s approval.

Barack Obama (Term: 2009-2017)

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Barack Obama made history by becoming the first  African American president of the United States in 2008. He is famous for his oratory skills. He launched the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, expanding access to healthcare for common citizens. In 2009, he won the Nobel Peace Prize for his diplomacy. Obama is also a people’s favorite as per the Gallup Poll, with 63% public approval.

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